Bastards and Angels (Sinners Book 2) Read online
Page 6
I spend the rest of my night out with my boy Tarak. He isn’t a fuckin’ biker, and he can pull more ass than most fuckin’ men. He thinks I’m the reason he gets lucky. Really, that cocksucker is full of shit. If anything, it’s his ass that is bringing all the bitches to us. He rides, but refuses to join the Draconic Crimson MC. Trust me, I fuckin’ tried for months to no avail.
Making our way to the bar, I see a pair of twins that keep eye-fuckin’ the shit out of us. I smack the fucker on the back, nod in the direction of the girls, and he leads the mother fuckin’ way. When we get up to them, the first one practically eye fucks the asshole while the other starts to make her way towards me. Her dark hair does nothing for me, but that’s just because I’m hung up on what I can’t fuckin’ have right now. She pushes out her small tits and rubs up against me.
“Buy me a drink?” She bats her eyelashes at me and I nod my head. Turning to the bar, I motion for the bartender and, when she sees my cut, she practically runs over to me.
“What can I get for you, stud?” she purrs. The bitch next to me comes to stand in front of me, and turns to face me.
“I’ll take a vodka cranberry.” She bats her eyelashes at me some more, and I look over her at the bartender and order three shots of Jack for me and three for Tarak. I order the girls both a cran-whatever and hand the bitch behind the bar some cash. When she hands me my change, I see the paper with her number on it. I wink at her and hand the shots to Tarak and the drink to the bitch he’s with. We make our way towards a table, and I set the shots down and instantly take one.
I feel my phone vibrate and, when I pull it out of my pocket, I see Trix’s name across the screen. Hitting the open button, I see a picture of Blade holding his sister. The picture tears at my damn black heart, and I want nothing more than to be there instead of this shitty ass bar.
I feel Tarak looking over my shoulder and he hits it with his. “You have another one?” he asks. I nod, but I don’t say anything. The bitch comes over and checks out the picture on my phone and then practically dry humps me. Fuck, I need more alcohol for this shit.
“Those you’re nephews?” she asks in an annoying ass whiny tone. I don’t get why some bitches sound whiny all the damn time. Whatever fuckin’ happened to the ones with the sexy rasps that head straight to your dick? My mind thinks back to Trix and my kids.
“No, that’s my son and my daughter,” I grit out. Grabbing the last two shots, I down them quickly and make my way back to the bar. Fuck, I need way more than this shit. I order some more shots and some asshole comes up to me with something he says is a little stronger. I watch him for a second, and then look back at the table. The girls are dancing with each other, I know that they don’t need shit, and I tell him to get fuckin’ lost.
I don’t want to do shit to ruin my chance with Trix and I know that if she finds out about me doing drugs of any sort, she will pack my kids up and get the fuck out of town. Her mother was a druggie, and that was the one thing she made me promise her that I would never do, especially after she got pregnant.
When I get the drinks and pay for them, I make my way back to the table and set one of the glasses down, just as the bitch that was all over me wraps her hand around my neck, and pulls me to her body. I down another shot, and set the empty glass back on the table.
She runs her hand down my chest and to the top of my jeans. My phone beeps again with another message, so I pull it out of my pocket and check the screen. I see Prez’s name on my screen, and I hit the button to open the message.
Prez: Got a run for you. You’ll be out of town for a few weeks. You game?
I run my hand over my face and the bitch slides her hand into my jeans, gripping my dick in her palm. My mind instantly thinks about Trix and how she would do the same fuckin’ shit when I wasn’t paying attention to her. My dick stiffens in the bitch’s hand, and she looks up at me and grins.
Me: Yeah. I got you Prez.
Prez: Good. I got the details on the desk at the club. Come by and get them when you get a minute.
Me: I’ll be by tomorrow.
Instead of putting my phone back in my pocket like I should, I send Trix a message back.
Me: Love the photo. Do I get both kids tomorrow?
When she doesn’t respond right away, I finally tuck my phone in my pocket and turn my attention to the bitch whose hand is steadily jerking me off in the crowded bar. I let her work me up for a few more minutes before I wrap my arm around her and pull her closer to my body. Leaning down to her ear, I whisper, “You want me to fuck you?” Her eyes shoot to mine, and she nods eagerly. I motion my head towards the back, and lead her past Tarak and her sister. I slap him on the shoulder as we pass, and motion to the direction we were heading. He nods and makes his way with us, the other bitch trailing behind him like a little fuckin’ puppy.
When we get to the back of the bar, I push the bitch into the dark corner and face her. Her eyes brighten at the thought of getting my dick and I force her to her knees. As much as I need to get off, I don’t really want to fuck her.
She undoes my jeans, and I watch as she slowly pulls me out. Looking over at Tarak, I see him push the other bitch against the wall with his hand up her short as fuck skirt. The bitch on her knees strokes me a few times and I close my eyes. Pretending she’s Trix is the only way I can even get it fuckin’ up right now. Goddamn that woman; she fuckin’ owns me.
My dick gets harder with each thought of my girl, and the bitch sucks me like she can’t get fuckin’ enough. Her nails lightly scratch my dick, and I shoot off into her mouth. She cleans me up with some fuckin’ suction that doesn’t really compare, and I pull her up to my mouth. Before I press my mouth to hers, I pull back.
I started to get lost in the thought that I had Trix sucking my dick. Fuck. The bitch frowns, and I pull her closer to me. I nip and suck at her neck to make up for pulling away and lift her up and press her against the wall. Her legs wrap around me and I slide her flimsy panties to the side. Grabbing a condom out of my back pocket, I slip it on and slowly slide into the bitch’s pussy. Her nails dig into my shoulders and she moans out.
If the music wasn’t so fuckin’ loud, the whole damn place would hear the way this bitch screams. I fuck her hard and fast, making sure she comes before I finish. Pulling out of her quickly, I let her slide down my body and she kisses all down my neck. She fixes her skirt and I tuck myself back into my jeans.
“Let’s head back to your place,” Tarak suggests. The girls both eagerly nod their heads, and I shrug. At least at the house, I can get fuckin’ shit faced and not worry about being able to get it up later.
The blankets are being pulled off my body and I groan at the light. Just before I pull the blanket back down on me, I feel the fuckin’ cold ass water being poured on me. Leaping out of my damn bed, I whirl around to see Trix standing there with her hand on her hip and the water pitcher in her hand. “Get the whore out of here,” she demands. The bitch screams as Trix pours water onto her next.
“You stupid bitch,” the chick from last night screeches. She makes her way towards Trix, but I grab her and pull her back.
“Don’t even fuckin’ think about touching her,” I growl. The bitch from last night changes her damn tone quickly, and wraps an arm around me. “You heard her. Get the fuck out.” She frowns, releasing me, before she gives Trix the evil eye. We both watch as she gathers her shit quickly, and makes her way towards the master bathroom.
“Real fucking classy, E. I guess you’re just living up to your nickname finally,” she spits. I make my way over to her, and she backs up until I trap her against the wall.
I put my hands on either side of her and her eyes meet mine. “I had to think about you just to get fuckin’ hard last night. And, while I was fuckin’ her, it was you that I was picturing under me. You’ve fuckin’ ruined me baby. Call that fuckin’ idiot up and tell him it’s over. I want my family.” I hear her sharp gasp and she pushes against my chest, trying to get free from th
e wall.
“Elec,” she whispers. She shakes her head no and looks towards the ground as the bathroom door opens. I don’t let her leave and we both watch as the bitch leaves the room, slamming the door behind her. She must have heard what I told Trix.
“Trixibella, there is no one else is this fuckin’ world for me. You are fuckin’ it, and I am tired of letting that fuckin’ bastard come between us. We have two fuckin’ beautiful kids together, and we deserve to give this shit a real damn shot.” Her eyes brighten and then I watch as they fill with tears. She doesn’t say a word, and I know I’ve already lost the war over her heart.
Leaning forward, I claim her mouth in a slow kiss. Her hands go to my chest and move around to my back as she pulls me closer to her. Our bodies are fuckin’ made for each other, and I wish like fuckin’ hell that she would just give me a second chance.
When I break our kiss, I press my forehead against hers and blow out a breath. My dick is pressed up against her body, and I know she can feel how damn hard I am for her. “I love you, Trixibella.” I press one more kiss to her forehead before I hear our terror screaming in the other room. Releasing her, I walk towards my dresser and pull on a pair of jeans. I don’t even bother putting a shirt on as I walk back over to her.
The frown never leaves her face, and I pull her back into my arms. “What’s wrong?” I ask. I move a strand of hair out of her face, and she wraps her arms around me, squeezing me tightly.
“How the hell do we always end up here? All I’ve wanted since the day I met you was to be yours. Nothing else mattered. We were supposed to beat the odds. I knew that I was always going to have to share a part of you with her, and part of me didn’t mind, as long as I had the part of you that mattered.” She puts her hand over my heart and closes her eyes.
I feel her deeply breathe, and when she opens her eyes again, I see the regret and pain that I cause. “I’ll always love you, Elec. There is no one else that fits me better than you. You gave me Blade and Bexley. There is nothing that can change that and, at the end of the day, I know that if I needed you, you’re just a phone call away. You pick me up when I need it, and you’ll always be the man I need more than my next breath.”
She wipes the tears from under her eyes before she gets on her tiptoes and kisses me. She turns to walk out the door, but I catch her wrist and pull her back into me. “You’re under my skin. We may hate each other at times, but the love never dies. I don’t want it to. I want to have you in my arms every fuckin’ night and every damn day. We fight, we make up. It’s what we fuckin’ do, baby girl. It will never change, but it is us.”
She nods her head and I grab her chin, pulling her mouth to mine one last time. I release her, and we walk into the living room where I see my boy climbing all over Tarak who looks like he has a hangover. I walk over to the car seat that is sitting by the couch and I kneel down to look at my sleeping angel. Running the tip of my finger over her soft cheek, I feel her eyes on me. When I look behind me, I see the look on Trix’s face. It’s a mix of love and heartbreak.
After pressing a soft kiss to Bex’s head, I watch Trix walk over to us, grabbing the car seat. “I’ll walk you out,” I say before she can walk away from me. I grab the car seat out of her hand, and she walks over to grab Blade and give him a kiss.
“I love you, baby,” she says to him. He leans over to her on the edge of the couch and kisses her on the mouth.
“Wuv you, momma!” he says excitedly. He goes back to jumping on Tarak, and I can see her body sag. I know that she hates leaving him here with me. Same way I feel when I have to give him back to her at the end of my time with him.
She leads me to the door and opens it, looking back at our boy as him and Tarak wrestle. “He’ll be fine, babe,” I whisper in her ear. Her body breaks out in a shiver, and she looks at me over her shoulder.
“I know. I just hate when he’s away from me.” She blows out a breath before continuing. “It’s going to be worse when I have to leave both of them here and I walk out that door.” My chest comes up against her back and she melts against me.
“You know there is a way around that.” I kiss right below her ear in the place that gets her every time. She nods her head, but doesn’t say another word to me. When we finally get to her car, I strap the car seat in, and stare at my little girl for a moment before I shut the door. Trix is standing by her door, looking at the ground, when I pull my attention from Bexley.
Before I can even see if anything is wrong with Trix, she walks over to me and wraps her arms around my neck. She hugs me close to her body and I am shocked. My arms wrap around her automatically and I breathe in her scent, memorizing it. Who the fuck knows the next time I’m going to get to have her in my arms like this again?
We stand like this for what seems like hours, but I know it’s only a few minutes. Her phone starts to ring, and she pulls away from me. Watching as she pulls it from her purse, I see his name on the screen. “Hey,” she answers, wiping at one of her eyes. “Yeah, I’ll be on my way back in a few minutes.” She pauses and looks up at me. The frown on her face doesn’t give me any insight into how she feels about this shit that is still between us.
“Okay. I…” She pauses and looks up at me as she stops herself from saying the words. “I’ll see you soon. Bye.” Closing my eyes, I feel the anger eat me up on the inside. She was going to tell him that she loved him. Fuck. I rub absently at my heart, and her eyes watch me the whole time. “E,” she whispers, breaking me from my trance.
“Yeah?” I ask, looking up, still rubbing right over my heart.
“The test results come in tomorrow. Do you want me to call you with the results?” I shake my head no and I watch as her face falls.
“I want you to come here when you get them. I want them in person.” Her eyes widen slightly before a small grin appears on her face.
“Okay.” She comes closer to me, and gives me a small peck on my cheek, before getting into the car and driving away with the other piece of my barely beating heart.
Spending the rest of my night with my boy made my day fuckin’ worth every minute. Before bed, he wanted to call his sister and say goodnight. Grabbing my phone off the table, I put the Facetime app on and hit Trix’s number. Blade doesn’t go to bed without saying goodnight to his momma.
I see her face appear on the screen, and her wipe her eyes. “Hey, baby.” She smiles at him. She looks at me and gives me a slight shake to keep me from saying shit.
“Momma!” Blade squeaks out. I watch him give her kissy faces on the phone, and all you see is his big head filling the entire screen.
“Hey, baby. Are you having a good time with daddy?” she asks him. He nods his head a bunch of times like a damn bobble head. He sits back in my lap, and I hold the phone out for him to see her better. “Did you guys do anything fun?” Her voice is low and she sounds upset.
“We payed at park!” he says excitedly.
“Oh yeah?” she asks. He nods his head and then gets off my lap to go and find his new toy he got today. We spent an hour at the damn toy store looking for the damn thing that he said he had to have.
“What’s wrong?” I ask. She shakes her head no, and I push the subject more. “Just fuckin’ tell me,” I demand. She gives me a dirty look before she sighs and looks around the room.
“I got the results early,” she whispers. I swallow the lump in my throat. I try to say something to her, but I can’t get anything out.
“And?” I finally get the word out. It wasn’t what I wanted to fuckin’ ask, but it was the only word I could push past my lips. I watch her breath shutter, and she looks away from the screen for a second, before she turns her light eyes back to me.
“He isn’t talking to me. Romeo is pissed at the results. I’m pretty sure he hates the fact that you are their father.”
Blowing out the breath I didn’t even realize I was holding, I run a hand over my face. “Thank fuck,” I whisper just as Blade comes back into the room holding his new
toy. He climbs back into my lap and looks at the screen to see his momma crying.
“Momma? No sad?” His lip trembles as he watches his momma cry, and it breaks my heart.
“I’m okay, baby. I’m just happy. Okay?” He watches her for a second before he nods his head. “What is that?” she finally asks, breaking his concentration on her face.
“Daddy bawft me dis!” He holds his new laptop-like fuckin’ thing up and shows her what it does for about ten minutes before he asks where his sister is. Trix picks Bexley up and cradles her in her arms. “Sissy,” he says with a big smile. He grabs the phone and pulls it to his face to do his kissy face again.
He talks to her some more and I pull him back against my chest. We watch her yawn and stretch a few times before she starts to cry. “I need to feed her,” Trix says.
Before I tell her that’s fine, Blade tells her that he doesn’t want them to go yet. I tell her that I’m fine with her feeding in front of me.She looks at me hesitantly, and then back down at our daughter, who’s screaming her head off. “It’s not like I haven’t seen you naked a thousand times,” I grin. She gives me the finger and then pulls her tit out and starts to feed Bex.
Just watching her feed our daughter makes my heart constrict. Fuck, I want her back. I was a fuckin’ idiot to make her promises that I continued to break. She’s what I should have been fighting for, instead of just not giving a fuck about anything but myself.
Blade continues to talk her ear off and I just watch her. I watch the way she cuddles our daughter, running her finger down Bex’s face and then continues to stroke her dark hair out of her eyes. I don’t remember Blade ever having as much hair as Bexley.
I move Blade off the center of my lap, and I have to adjust myself without letting her know that she’s getting me hard just sitting there feeding our daughter. God, I could watch her all damn day. Shit. I’ve spent mornings worshipping that body of hers, and nights tangled up in the sheets with her fuckin’ her, until we both couldn’t move.