Bastards and Angels (Sinners Book 2) Read online
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She didn’t want to find out what the baby’s gender was this time around, and I’m fuckin’ dying to know, too. The doctor says something about seeing the baby’s head, and that she needs to give one more big push. She screams as she pushes one more time, and I hear the unremarkable screams of the baby she just delivered.
Trix starts to pant, and I look over to see a little baby covered in a filmy residue. Yeah, I’m not big on knowing the technical terms for that shit. I look back at Trix, and she has tears coming from her eyes. The nurse hands me these weird scissor like things, and I look at her with a questioning look. “Would the father like to cut the umbilical cord?” I look over at Trix, and she nods her head tiredly.
“Yeah.” My voice is choked up and, when I see the little girl in nurse’s arms, I can’t help but smile. She’s fuckin’ perfect just like her mother. She has pale skin and dark hair just like Blade and me. After cutting the umbilical cord, they do a few more things before they bring her over to Trix. When the nurse finally puts her on Trix’s chest, I watch in awe. Seeing my girl do that is the best thing in the fuckin’ world. I missed the birth of Blade because I was a fuckin’ idiot, but I’m glad I got to be here for her birth.
“She’s perfect,” she whispers, looking up at me with tears in her eyes. I walk back over to her side and move the sweaty red hair of her forehead.
“She is, babe. Perfect, just like her momma.” I press my lips to her skin and close my eyes.
“She looks so much like Blade did when he was born.” Her finger lightly caresses the little girl’s cheek, and I can’t help but think that there is no way this little girl belongs to Romeo. He may share the same hair color, but that is it. His skin is tan from the Mexican heritage that runs through him and she just as white as Trix. Pale pink skin that is smooth. There is no way she’s not mine.
“She has to be mine,” I whisper against her skin. When I pull away, I see the tears fill her eyes.
“You don’t know how bad I want that for you, but…” She stops from saying anything else as the nurses continue to do whatever it is that there are doing. They take the baby away to do measurements and shit and we are left alone in the room together.
“I want you to be honest with me, Trixibella.” She nods her head and I grab her hand. Sitting in the chair next to her bed, I look down at the ground before I ask the question that has been burning inside of me for months. “Do you love him?”
I watch as she mulls over her answer, and I can see it in her eyes that she does. She doesn’t even need to say the words to me because it’s written all over her face. “More than me?” She finally looks at me and frowns.
“I’ll never love any man more than I love you. The closest competition that you’ll ever have is about two and a half feet tall with dark brown hair.” I grin at that. A knock at the door brings us back from the serious question I asked her, and we watch as they wheel our little girl in. Yeah, I’m claiming she’s mine until I hear otherwise.
The nurse brings her over to Trix, and helps her start the feeding process. I watch in awe, as my girl is a natural at it. “You’ll do just fine, Trix. You’ve had practice.” The nurse smiles at her, and then walks out of the room. I spend the next ten minutes just watching them. My phone starts to ring and, when I look down, it’s Prez.
“Yeah?” I answer.
“Can I bring your boy up? He wants to meet his little brother or sister, and Ro is on his way.” I cringe just at his name. It won’t matter how long they are together; it will never fuckin’ change.
“Yeah, bring him on up. He has a little sister to meet.” I hang up and look over to Trix. “So, what are you naming her?” Her head snaps in my direction and she frowns.
“I haven’t even thought of a name.” She looks back down at the dark-haired baby, who is now passed out on her mother’s chest. “Do you know of anything good?” A smile tips from her lips, and I look back at the little girl.
“Bexley Makena.”
“I love it,” she whispers. The door opens, and I see Prez walk in with a very excited little boy. Blade runs to me, and he wraps his arms around my arm.
“Hey buddy, you want to meet your sister?” He nods, and I pick him up to sit in my lap. He looks over at his mom and then points a finger at his sister.
“She nakey!” he squeals. Says the kid that loves to run around butt naked himself. I shake my head at him and start to laugh. He reaches over, and runs his hand softly over his sister’s dark hair that matches his own. “Wuv momma,” he whispers. I stand up and lift him, so he can give his momma a kiss on the lips followed by kissing his sister’s head.
When I take a seat back in my chair, Prez walks over to her and presses a kiss to her forehead. He leans in and says something, but I don’t catch it. Blade hands me his blanket, and he curls up in my lap. I wrap his blanket around him, and we both watch his momma and sister.
When Prez is done talking to Trix, he comes over to me and puts his hand out. “Do I need to stick around for you two assholes to get along, or are you going to be civil for once?” I reach out and take his hand shaking it.
“Yeah, I’ll be cool. But it will only be for today.” He smirks at me and I grin. He knows just as well as I do that I don’t want to be fuckin’ pleasant to that dickhead, but I will for her.
“Trix, call me if they start up with their bitching.” She smiles at Prez, and he runs his hand over Blade’s hair. “Bye, kid. I’ll see you later.”
Blade gives him a sleepy wave and I smile. I watch as Prez walks out, and Trix asks if I want to hold her. Looking at the little girl in her arms, I grin and move my chair closer to the bed and lean forward without knocking Blade off my lap. She hands me the little girl, and I see the similarities. She looks like a mix between Blade and Trix. Blade mostly takes after me, but I see his momma in him in the subtlest ways.
When the door opens again, I hear his booted feet hit the ground in heavy steps. I know he hates the fact that he wasn’t here when she went into labor and, as much as I want to be the asshole that rubs it in his face, I keep quiet. He walks over to the other side of her bed and gives her a kiss. Blade sits up in my lap, and tries to look at his sister more closely. When Romeo finally gets a good look at the little girl in my arms, I can see the anger cross his features. He knows the answer already, too.
This kid isn’t his.
He sits on the bed next to her, watching me. I hold the little girl until she starts to cry. Handing her back to Trix, I see the disgust written all over his face. He probably told her a bunch of lies that they were going to stay together and shit, even if the baby wasn’t his, but I have a feeling that they won’t last. Hell, I’m banking on that little fact. She’s mine, and there is nothing standing in my way of me getting what’s mine.
In the days since the birth of Bexley, I haven’t seen much of my Trixibella. She’s been distant since I left the room after I helped her through the birth of that precious little girl. My little girl. Grabbing my phone, I dial her number and wait for her to answer.
“Hey, E. I was just going to send you a picture.” She sounds off, kinda like she’s been crying.
“What’s wrong, Trixibella?” My voice is growing strained, and she doesn’t say anything for the longest time. I hear Blade in the background and the coos of Bexley.
“Nothing. I just…” She trails off for a second before she starts to speak again. “I don’t know how I could have messed this up so much.” It sounds like she sniffs a few times before she gets her emotions under control.
“You haven’t messed up, baby,” I reply. I know it’s not a good enough answer but, in my eyes, she hasn’t. The only thing I would change is that she was back in my arms, not his.
“I sent in the paternity test,” she whispers. Her voice breaks, and I know this shit is hard for her. “I know in my heart who her father is, but I wanted the proof on paper, too.” I lean my head back against the couch and run my hand over my eyes. I need a fuckin’ drink or ten.
/> “And, who is that?” I ask. I want her to say me so damn bad that I don’t even realize that I’m grinding my teeth so hard that my jaw aches.
“You already know the answer to that, E,” she says quietly.
“I want to hear you say the words,” I say through gritted teeth. When I finally unclench my jaw, I can feel the pain and the tension ease. Fuck, she makes me goddamn crazy.
“You,” she chokes out. I hear a door close, and his voice drift through the damn house.
“Hey babe. You home?” I can imagine her wiping her eyes, and taking a few deep breaths, before she answers him.
“Yeah, I’m in here,” she calls out to him. “I’m sorry, E. I’ll bring Blade by tomorrow for you.” I listen to the line go dead, and the only thing I can think of right now is getting drunk and fuckin’ some bitch. I won’t even be all that picky; I just need to get her out of my mind.
Checking my contacts, I scroll through until I find one of my buddies and hit the call button. “Hey, fucker,” he greets on the third ring.
“Hey, asshole. You want to head with me to the bar?” I ask.
“You know it. It’s a sure thing for me to get laid if I show up with your ass.” I chuckle and tell him to swing by in a few hours. When I hang up the phone, I lie back on the couch and think about those two little angels that I helped create. Closing my eyes, I think about their mother and how I’ve fucked things up with her. I told her from the beginning that I was a bastard, and that no woman would change me. I think she took that as a challenge.
Three years ago
Walking into the clubhouse, my eye catches on the beautiful redhead sitting at the bar. Her back is to me and, just judging by the group of brother’s around her, she has to be something else. When I finally get closer, I feel like the wind got knocked out of me. I never messed around on my wife before, but the woman before me makes me want to question all my morals. Not saying that I’m a fuckin’ angel, because my wife can definitely attest to the bastard that I am.
When her eyes meet mine, she gives me a sly smile and gets to her feet. She walks towards me on these fuck me heels that have my dick standing at attention.
I know I married the wrong fuckin’ woman, but this woman standing in front of me has the power to bring me to my knees.
“Hi,” she breathes. Her fingers start at my left shoulder and move across to my right. She licks her lips, and I feel my dick tighten in my jeans. “I’m Trixie.” I reach out and grab her hand, pulling her closer to me. Her warm breath fans out on my skin, as she looks up at me in slight shock.
My hand reaches up and runs down the side of her face. Her eyes notice my wedding ring, and she pulls away slightly. I can tell she’s nervous about me being married, but she doesn’t shy away from me completely. “I’m E,” I rasp. I run my nose down her neck, and I hear a few of the brothers behind me yell out a few obscenities, but I just ignore them. Those fuckers are always saying something stupid.
“E,” she whispers.
“Easy E, either fuck her or take her to your damn room,” one of the brothers says from behind me. I don’t even bother to flip him the bird because my full attention is on the woman standing in front of me. I feel like the whole world stopped spinning, and it’s just the two of us standing here staring into each other’s eyes.
“Come on.” I whisper, grabbing her hand. She lets me lead her towards my room. I don’t slow until the door is shut behind us and I’m pushing her against the door. Pressing my body against hers, I run my hands down her sides and she looks me in the eyes.
Before I can pick her up, her voice breaks the lust-fused haze I’m in. “You’re married.” Her voice is no more than a whisper, and I can see the uncertainty written all over her face.
“I’ve been married since I was eighteen to a bitch that only wants one thing from me.” I run my fingers down the side of her face and she lets out a breathy sigh. “She only wants money and status, and I don’t have either. I bought her a nice house, and gave her everything she wanted, and she’s still a bitch. That ain’t ever gonna change. I’ve been done with her for a long time.” Her body shudders as I run my other hand around her back and up her spine, pulling us even closer together.
Instead of telling me she doesn't want to get involved with me, she presses her lips against mine. An animal instinct takes over, and I devoured her mouth with mine. Nipping and sucking my way down her neck, I come to the top of her tits and I yank the tight tube top down. Her big beautiful breasts spill out of the material, and I pull a nipple between my teeth. Her hands grip the back of my head, and she pushes my mouth where she wants it.
Pulling her tight skirt up, I run my fingers under her lace thong, running my fingers through her wet pussy. Her fuckin’ body is goddamn perfect, and I can’t wait to sink inside of her. Lifting her up, she wraps her legs around my waist as I work to get my jeans undone. Never has a bitch put me into a damn frenzy the way she is. The only thing I can think of is getting my dick inside of her and claiming her pussy as mine.
I know that I have no right to do it since I’m married, but I don’t give a fuck. I want her, only her.
Her moans fill my room, and I line my dick up with her soaking wet cunt. I start to push the head inside of her, and her nails dig into my skin. “Oh, god,” she whimpers. I thrust into her the rest of the way, and hear her groan. “E.” She moans out my name, and I want her to call me by my given name. Fuck, I don’t know why, but I know hearing my name from her lips will fuckin’ destroy me.
“Call me Elec,” I grunt, as I thrust inside of her harder and faster.
“Elec,” she moans. Fuck, just hearing my name come from her lips gets me harder than Tina ever did. “Please fuck me harder, Elec.” I grunt out and thrust in and out of her with a frenzied pace until we are both coming together. She screams out and bites on my neck to quiet herself as she falls off the damn edge. Her body shakes, as her orgasm hit her hard, and I feel her sweet cunt squeeze the shit out of my dick.
I pump my hips a few more times as I ride out my orgasm and bury my face into her neck. Her red hair covers my face, and I can smell her sweet scent as it envelops us both. God. What I wouldn’t do to get inside of her cunt every fuckin’ day.
When I catch my damn breath, I press my mouth to hers and claim it. I want to own her: every damn inch of her body, mind, and soul. I want it to be mine and only mine. Walking us towards the bed, I lay us both down, but don’t separate our bodies. I roll us over so she is lying on top of me and she sits up and straddles me, not letting us separate either.
“Elec,” she whispers, lifting my shirt up so she can see all that I have underneath. She starts tracing one of the tattoos that cover half of my chest. Her fingers trace the flowers, and then the skulls one by one, and I watch a grin spread across her face. “So, Mr. Married Man, do you have any kids that you go home to at night?” I grin at her and shake my head no.
“Nope. I didn’t want to procreate with the bitch I’m married to, so I took care of that shit a long time ago.” She frowns at me, and I put my fingers into a scissor like motion and act like I’m snipping. Her nose wrinkles, and she looks down towards where we are connected.
“So, what happens if you want kids?” she asks. Her fingers start to move again on my skin, and I shrug my shoulders.
“Never thought about kids with the life I lead. I’m not fit to be a father, and there is no fuckin’ way that I’d give the chance to Tina to be a mother. She’s like a fuckin’ cancer. She destroys you from the inside out.” Her eyes widen and I run my hands up her sides, catching on her damn skirt and top. Pulling her down on me, I grab the bottom of her top and pull it up and over her head.
“When did you get that done?” she asks curiously.
“A few months after I got married. I always bagged it before then, and, hell, I still did until I stopped fuckin’ the crazy bitch a few months ago.”
“So, you don’t have sex with her anymore?” Her question is barely audible.
“Haven’t in months,” I reply. I roll her back over, and let her take my shirt off. She tosses it on the ground behind me and uses her feet to start to work my jeans down my thighs and to my feet. Kicking the jeans and my boots off, I feel my dick start to get ready again. She wiggles a little, and I groan at the sensations. Her body fuckin’ sets mine off likes it’s a damn wildfire and we’re going to burn the damn place up.
I roll her back over to straddle me as I grip her skirt and start to slide the tight materials up her body until I get it off of her. Her giggles fill the air and when I finally pull it over her head, she pulls me up into a sitting position. She presses her tits into my face and I grab her panties and give them a hard yank. She gasps as the material falls away from her body and I just grin.
“So, Trixie, is that you’re real name or just a nickname?” She giggles and brings her mouth down to mine. Her tongue slips between my lips, and I let her set the pace. I hear my phone ring in my jeans, but there is no fuckin’ way I’m leaving her sweet cunt tonight. I’m staying buried inside of her until she can’t walk, and I’m the only man she can feel between her thighs for weeks to come.
“Trixibella. But if you tell anyone my real name, I’ll kill you.” She gives me her meanest look, and I just grin at her. She’s fuckin’ cute as all hell, trying to threaten me.
“Well, I’d say the same for you. I don’t go by Elec normally. Its pronounced Elec as in election. Don’t ask why my parents named me that. Either people can’t fuckin’ say the damn name or they talk shit for how different it is.” She frowns at my words, and runs a finger between my eyes, smoothing the wrinkles that I’m sure are on my face from the memories of everyone taking shit about my name.
“I can call you Elec?” Her eyes are full of humor, and she leans us both down on the mattress.
“You can call me whatever you want,” I murmur before taking her again.