Bastards and Angels (Sinners Book 2) Read online

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  The last time I saw this fucker, he carted my ass off to jail for a weapons charge on a run I did. “You already know that I’m part of this club,” I quip. “Thinking about donuts clouding your brain again?” He smirks at me, and then looks over my shoulder.

  “Miss Trixibella Rawlins.” Shit. I told her to stay the fuck in the room. The cop starts to walk towards her, but I step in front of him. “I suggest you step out of the way, Mr. Briody,” he says, looking up at me. I’ve got a few inches on the bastard, and I would love to show him exactly what it means to go after my girl.

  “She didn’t do it,” I spit. He rolls his eyes at me, and goes to walk around me. Her hands land on my lower back and, when I look over my shoulder at her, she has a look do determination written all over her face.

  “Oh, yeah, then who did?” He asks looking right at her.

  “I did,” I state calmly. The cop frowns and looks at me. “And I want a lawyer.” I hear Trix gasp behind me, and Stavros swears under his breath. The cop then turns me around, and I can see the devastation written all over her face. She shakes her head like she going to say something, but, when she sees the expression on my face, she stops.

  I feel the cuffs being placed on my wrists, and the fucker tightens them as roughly as he can. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law…” He keeps going, but my focus is solely on her and only her.

  “Fuckin’ hell,” Stavros says. “I’ll call our lawyers and have them meet you at the station.” As the cop pulls me away from her, I hear her voice.

  “Stav, do something!” she yells at him. “Please, you can’t let him go to prison.” Her cries get muffled and, when I look back, I see him holding her to his body. Her hands are gripping his arms, and I watch as Romeo turns to her and whispers something in her ear. As the cop puts me into the back of the car, I see him pull her into him. When he looks up at me, I can see the satisfaction written all over his face.

  If this is part of his plan to win her over, I’ll make sure he goes down with me.

  After they brought me in, they threw me in an interrogation room. I’ve been in this fuckin’ room for the last three hours. When the door finally opens, I see one of our lawyers come walking in the room. She’s the girl I've known most of my life, and the same one that I had when I went down for the gun charges. “Elec, I thought we decided you weren’t going down again?” She gives me a grin, and I can’t help but smirk.

  “What can I say, Mica? I was dying to see you again.”

  “Oh, please. I know for a fact that isn’t the truth. I hear you’re a father now. Congratulations. Never thought I’d see the day.” She sets her briefcase down, and pulls out a notepad and a pen. “So, why don’t you tell me what happened and I’ll get you out of here?”

  “They think my baby momma killed my ex-wife.” I don’t say anything else because I’m sure those stupid fuckin’ cops are listening in. They are about as crooked as the damn politicians in this town. They will do anything for a buck, and I already know I have a price on my head in Ireland. It’s the reason I never went back home.

  “Are you protecting her?” I don’t say anything, but I reach for her pad of paper and pen. I write out one word. Yes.

  “Elec…” she starts, but stops when she sees the look on my face. I don’t give a fuck what anyone else says. I’ll take the jail sentence over seeing her in a place like this. “Please be aware of what you are doing. I’ve known you a long time, and I don’t want to see you wind up in here. Do you have any proof that clears your name?” The pointed look she’s giving me means that she is talking about Trix, too.

  “No. Nothing that will stand up in court. I need you to get a message out to Stavros and my girl.”

  “Okay,” she says hesitantly. I start to write out a note for Stavros on the pad of paper and then write one to Trix.


  I know you’re probably pissed at me right now, but I did what I had to. I told you I’d protect you, and I would do it over and over again. I love you and our kids more than anything in the world, and I will always protect the three of you. Keep your head up, baby. Shit will get better. Tell my boy that I love him and I’ll see him soon. Give my little girl a kiss for me.


  After writing one out to Stavros, I hand Mica both the letters, and there is a knock on the door. She tucks the papers into her briefcase before she gets up and walks to the door. “Miss Duncan,” one of the cops greets her.

  “Hello, Marcus,” she says, sweetly. I lean back in my chair, and watch as her ass sways back towards me. The cop clears his throat as he takes a seat, and I can only imagine that he’s staring at her ass like I was. The only thing that has ever kept me from fuckin’ Mica was that she’s my best friend’s little sister. I grew up with her and I could never cross that line, no matter how hot she got.

  “Let’s get this started. We have a lot of evidence to still gather, and I’d like to get home on time tonight,” the other cop says, flipping open a note pad that he pulled from his jacket pocket.

  “Mr. Briody.” He looks over a file, and then slaps it against the table like it scares me. I’m sure these fuckers have a file of shit I’ve done over the years. I am no fuckin’ angel, and I never claimed to be one. I do what I have to in order to protect my own, and I don’t regret a damn thing.

  “I see you were arrested four years ago on weapons charges.” I nod my head, but don’t say a word. These fuckers aren’t getting shit from me. I’d rather them lock me up than talk.

  “He’s already served his time for those charges, Marcus, so why don’t you tell us why we are here today?” Mica says with her feisty attitude that I love. She’s a wildcat when she goes into lawyer mode, and I love watching her in action.

  “Did you kill your ex-wife, Tina Briody?” he asks, watching me.

  I roll my eyes at him, and put my hand on the table. He looks at it for a second, and I lean over to whisper in Mica’s ear. “I’m about to tell him to go fuck himself.” She shakes her head slightly, and turns her attention back to the cops.

  “Are you charging my client with murder?” The cop frowns at her, and then looks back at the folder. He reads over a few notes, and then faces Mica.

  “Your client admitted that he killed her.” Mica turns her head towards me and gives me the death stare. She doesn’t say anything at first, but when she turns to look at the cop again, she gives them her wrath.

  “Do you have any proof that my client was anywhere near her when the victim was murdered?” They just stare at her without moving. “Is there any hard evidence that he was actually involved in the murder of the victim? Oh, no, you don’t?” She looks between them both and then back at me.

  “We actually believe that it was his mistress that killed his ex-wife.” Her head snaps to me, and then it goes back to them. “You mean the one who ended things with my client months ago? What probable cause do you have that she would try and commit murder?”

  “The victim threatened her,” one of the cops says quickly. The other closes his eyes, and I can see the anger flash across his features. He didn’t want us to know that they knew about Tina threatening my girl.

  “And that was in the past. Both parties moved on from that. The child abuse case was dismissed on all accounts. There was no reason anymore to be angry with the victim. Plus, Mr. Briody’s mistress had a baby just a few weeks ago. She wouldn’t murder someone that soon after giving birth.” Mica looks back at me and the cops clear their throats.

  “If you’re not guilty, then why confess?” Instead of saying anything, I just sit in my chair and stare at them. I don’t say a word, and I can see that it pisses them off. I’ve done this song and dance before, and saying shit either labels you a rat and gets your ass killed, or puts the blame on someone you care about. I won’t do either of those things, and I’ll do everything in my power to make sure my Trixibella never has to see the inside of a jail cell.
br />   “Well, we are going to hold you and charge you for the murder of Tina Briody.” The cop looks at me intently for a few minutes before he leans in and says, “You know you won’t see your children while you’re behind bars, right? What makes you think that it won’t give Miss Rawlins a reason to leave you once and for all?”

  “She may hate me ninety percent of the time, but she would never take my kids from me,” I state with an even tone. I know he’s trying to get me to say something about her, but I won’t.

  “I hope she’s worth a prison sentence,” he says snidely.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” I smirk at him. He shakes his head and stands up, pushing his chair behind him.

  “Miss. Duncan, I’ll leave you with your client. Please let the guard know when you are done so we can take him through the booking process.” She nods curtly, and then watches as they leave the room. When the door closes behind them, her head snaps towards me.

  “Are you fucking kidding me, E?” She looks ready to murder me, and I put my hand on hers that is on the table.

  “Chill, Mica. Your brother was with me last night. He is my alibi, but if I use him, then they are going to lock her up and that shit isn’t happening. I want to know who the fuck is framing her and I want the answers now.” She stares at me almost in disbelief before she says anything.

  “You are an idiot. How do you know that she didn’t do it?” I release her hand and stand up from my chair.

  “Because Mica, I fuckin’ know.” She huffs out, and looks at me long and hard.

  “I don’t get what you see in her. You let her ruin your marriage and, even though I didn’t like Tina, she didn’t deserve your shit.” I roll my eyes at her, and take a seat back in the chair.

  “Says the girl who tried like hell to get me to end things with her. I finally did, and I’m the fuckin’ bad guy. Fuck me,” I groan, leaning my head back.

  “I tried doing that a long time ago.” I snort at her, and she shakes her head. “You’re an idiot. I just hope like hell that I’m able to get you off of these charges that you confessed to. She’s not good for you, Elec.” This time, I stand up and get in her face. Lawyer, friend, or whatever she is to me, I won’t let her talk about Trix.

  Leaning down so we are eye to eye, I get close to her face. “Don’t ever say shit about her. I love her, and there is nothing that is going to stop me from protecting her, even if it’s from you. I love you like family, Mica, but you disrespect her again? Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She shrinks back from me, and I’m glad she does. If she had smarted off like she typically does, I probably would have said some things that I would have regretted.

  “E, I love you, but I think you’re making a big mistake. I just hope for all of our sakes you know what you’re doing. You’re going to spend a lot of time in prison. Your kids will be grown before you get out.”

  I pace the room for a few more minutes before I even say a word. “If doing the time means she’s free, then I’ll do it.” I say, looking across the room at her. She shakes her head and frowns at me.

  “You must really fucking love her,” she says under her breath. She has no fuckin’ clue how true those damn words are. I would take a bullet for Trix if it meant that she would be alive to raise our kids. I haven’t done a whole lot of good in the last ten years, but those kids are the best things I’ve ever done. If taking the rap to keep their mother out of jail is what I have to do, then I’ll do it.

  “You sign the confession yet?” she asks, writing something on her notepad.

  “Yeah.” I rub at my eyes and blow out a breath. All is says is that I did it, that I killed my ex-wife to protect my family. No details and nothing more than that.

  I watch Mica get up and knock on the door, signaling that we are done speaking. When the cop comes into the room, he cuffs me and leads me back towards the booking area. I wait for fuckin’ ever to get processed, and then I’m sent to my cell.

  Sitting on the shitty ass mattress, I put my head in my hands and just hope like fuckin’ hell that she doesn’t go crawling back to that fuckin’ prick Romeo while I’m locked up. She may deserve better than me, but I don’t give a fuck. I will fight until my last breath to get her and my kids back.

  Three Months. Eight Days. Thirteen Hours.

  One of the guards comes to my cell to tell me I have a visitor. Getting up from the shitty mattress, I follow him and we make our way towards the visiting area. As they search me and buzz me into the room, I see the families and the men sitting at the tables deep in conversations. I hear little footsteps coming towards me, and I feel his smaller body run into my legs, before I can even prepare for him. “Daddy!” he says excitedly. I pick him up, and I see the guards watching me.

  “Hey, buddy,” I murmur, squeezing him to my body. Fuck, I’ve missed him. He looks so much bigger than the last time I seen him.

  “Momma and sissy heraw!” He grins at me, and then points over to where Trix is sitting with a three month old Bexley. Carrying him over to where they are sitting, I set him down on the bench and take my little girl from her mom. Her eyes watch me as I look down at her. A hand comes out like she’s trying to grab for me and my heart breaks. If Mica can’t get me off, the only way I’m going to be able to watch them grow up is just like this.

  “How are you?” Trix asks, breaking the spell that Bexley has over me. I look over at her, and her eyes widen when her gaze zeros in on the black eye that is starting to heal. “What happened?” She stands up and puts her hands to my cheek, checking out my eye.

  “Nothing I can’t handle, babe,” I say quietly. She gives me a look and I shrug it off. I don’t need her worried about me. I can take care of myself in here. She doesn't ask anything else about my eye and I'm glad about it. Also, she doesn't know about the shank I took to the side or the hit that was put on me.

  “Has your attorney said anything about your case?” she asks. I shake my head no, and continue to look down at my little girl. It isn’t the exact truth since I met with Mica yesterday and she told me that she could get me out on bail if the club was willing to put out half a million for my bail. Let’s just say I have a feeling that it isn’t going to happen because of the shit with Romeo. He’ll do everything he can to make sure I say the fuck in here.

  “Momma?” Blade asks from his seat. I take the seat next to him and hold Bex close to me. The guard has a soft spot for me, and he doesn’t seem to get on my ass when I shouldn’t be touching either of my kids.

  “Yeah, baby?” She watches me for a second longer before she looks at him.

  “Can daddy go home?” She gives him a sad smile, and it fuckin’ kills me. I wish like fuckin’ hell that I was on the other side of these walls with them again.

  “No, baby, he can’t. But he’ll be home soon, okay?” He frowns at her answer and wraps his arms around one of mine.

  Instead of asking her with the words, I give her a look and she frowns. “You can just ask me, you know,” she huffs out.

  “Fine. Are you back with him?” I grit out. Blade’s attention turns to me, and he shakes his head no. Trix looks at him and then back to me.

  “No. I’m not. I ended things for good after you got arrested. He was pissed that I chose you over him again. I don’t really blame him, though.” She looks over at Blade and then runs her hand over Bexley’s soft curls. “What I said that day was the truth. You fight for me even when you’re not sure you’ll win. That’s something I want.”

  Leaning forward, I grab the back of her neck and pull her mouth to mine, kissing her deeply before one of the guards says something. “Briody!” he yells. I pull away from her and grin.

  “I love you, Trixibella.” She blushes at my words, and it brings me back to when we were still just getting to know each other.

  Watching the way she’s walking towards me in her cutoff jeans and skimpy little top, I can see the wicked grin on her face. We still don’t do a whole lot of PDA because of my wife who might show up at any minu
te, but, when she’s looking at me like she is right now, I can’t help but want to take her right here in the bar area in front of everyone.

  “Hey, baby,” she purrs, wrapping her arm around my neck, pulling me closer to her sexy as fuck body.

  “I was hoping you’d come see me tonight,” I murmur against her neck. I run my tongue along her skin, and feel the goosebumps I cause. Her other hand run its way up my back until her fingers are pulling slightly on my hair which pulls my head back. Her lips go to my neck, and she kisses her way down to the top of my shirt. Her other hand slides along my scalp, and she rubs her fingers on the hair that’s starting to grow back.

  Her lips slide up my neck and to my jaw before they land on my mouth. Picking her ass up, she wraps her legs around my waist, and I walk us towards my room without giving a damn what people say as we pass.

  Before I can throw her on my bed, she holds on tightly to me. Her arms are wrapped around my neck, and she’s looking at me like I hold the damn world for her. “What?” I ask. She grins at me, and I cup her cheek and pull her lips to mine.

  “I don’t know why I can’t seem to get enough of you,” she whispers. Her warm breath kisses my lips, and I lay her down on the bed. She doesn’t let me up, so I just run my fingers along her jaw.

  “It’s because I’m sexy as fuck.” I smirk. She shakes her head at me, and I kiss her lips gently.

  “You’re an idiot.” She shakes her head at me again, and I nip at her jaw before moving to her neck.

  “I’ve been called worse.” Her moan slips past her lips and her eyes close. I pull away from her enough to get her shirt off of her and, as I’m memorizing her body, I can’t help but tell her how fuckin’ sexy she is. Fuck, I would give anything to be inside of her right this minute. “So fuckin’ perfect,” I murmur as I kiss along her chest and stop to the bottom of her bra.

  “You’re crazy.” She giggles, my beard brushing over her skin.