Wayward Angel Read online

Page 8

  "Doll, you have to relax or it will hurt."

  I let out the breath I'm holding and relax my body the best I can. He adds a finger and starts scissoring his fingers in and out. As I moan and wiggle my ass closer to his body, I hear him groan. He lets go of my body and lines his cock up with my ass. As his fingers slowly pull out, the head of his cock starts to push its way into my tight hole. He pushes in with swift thrust. "Oh god!" I gasp.

  He stills for a minute. "You okay?"

  "Yes." I moan, pull away a little and push back against him. It feels so good. He moans and begins to piston his hips, his cock going in and out of my ass with a hurried frenzy. I can feel my orgasm climbing as his hand reaches around to rub my clit. When he sinks two fingers into my pussy, I feel completely filled.

  I feel his cock harden and he grunts out, "You close, Ans?"

  I nod my head and match his thrust. "Fuck!" I scream out. My body tightens and he thrusts into me a few more times. I feel a fire run through my whole body.

  Fuck. That was amazing. We both collapse on the bed, sucking in breath. Brantley lifts his body off me and slowly pulls out. "Fuck, girl," he groans.

  I smile and just lie on the bed, not moving. My limbs are jelly. I don't want to move ever. Brantley cleans up and then gets under the covers. He pulls me to his chest and whispers, "Damn girl. You wore my ass out."

  I smirk and yawn. "Babe, go to sleep."

  A few hours later, I hear Brantley's phone go off. He answers it, and I only hear his side, but it doesn't sound good.

  "Yeah? Naw. I'm in the middle of something. No. Yeah, he's with me. Fuck."

  I peek over at him. He's running his fingers through his hair. "Yeah, okay. I'm on my way." He hangs up and stares at the phone for a second. "Shit," he whispers in the dark. Then he leans over me and kisses my cheek.

  "Doll, I know you're awake," he says with a grin.

  “Sorry. I didn't want to eavesdrop," I say with a shy smile.

  He kisses my lips. "As much as I want to keep doing what we've been doing tonight, I got to go. Club business."

  I nod in understanding. He kisses me once more and goes to get dressed. I watch through the door as he walks into the hall and bangs on Casey's door. A ruffled-looking Gunner answers it in only a pair of jeans. They talk in hushed tones and then Gunner goes back inside. Brantley walks back over to me and sits on the bed.

  "I'll call you later, doll. I'm gonna get you naked every chance I get," he says with a wink.

  I kiss his lips and he moans. "Be safe, baby," I whisper to him.

  "Always doll," he says as he walks out the bedroom door.

  I spend the next few hours in bed with aches in all the right places.

  Chapter Fourteen

  My phone rings and I see its Raef. When I answer, he cuts me off and says I need to get home now.

  I start to panic. "What's going on, Raef?"

  "Robbie's been shot."

  I gasp. I can feel the blood drain from my face. "How bad is it?" I squeak out.

  "The doctors aren't sure he's gonna make it. He's lost a lot of blood, but he's a fighter. Get to the airport and get on a flight ASAP. Call me with the information and one of us will come get you."

  I hate that he sounds so defeated. Robbie and Raef are the closest of my brothers - they're always together.

  "Okay. I'm going to grab some stuff and go." I'm in tears now. I can't stop them from falling. "Tell him I love him, Raef."

  "I will, baby girl. Just get here. I need to know you're safe, and you're safest here with us."

  I don't even argue with him. "I'll be there as soon as I can. Love you," I whisper.

  "Love you too, baby girl."

  I hang up and send a prayer up for Robbie. I'm not much for praying, but I'll do whatever I can to ensure he lives.

  I grab some clothes and throw them in my bag, not even worrying about what I'm packing. Once I'm done, I head out the door and take a cab to the airport, where I buy a ticket for a flight that leaves in an hour. I text the information to Raef and sit in the waiting area with tears running down my face.

  While I'm waiting, I get a text from Casey and realize I forgot to leave her a note

  Casey: where are you bitch?

  Me: I had to go home. Robbie's been shot.

  Casey: OMG is he okay?

  Me: Raef said the doctors don't think he'll make it.

  Casey: I'm so sorry Ans. Call me as soon as you get there and let me know how he is doing. I love you

  Me: I will, love you too

  When they finally call my flight and I board the plane, my mind is spinning. All I can think about is Robbie bleeding out and dying.

  We take off and land in what seems like a matter of minutes. I don't even think I felt anything the whole flight. My body and brain are numb, and the only thought in my head is that I need to get to my brother and the rest of my family.

  As soon as I get off the plane, I call Raef and he answers on the first ring. "Baby girl, Bent is on his way. He should be there any minute."

  I turn and look towards the doors and see Bentley, standing with his hands in his pockets, looking at the ground. It looks like he's been crying.

  "I see him," I whisper to Raef.

  "I'll see you soon."

  With that, we both hang up and I take off running towards Bentley. He looks up just as I'm about to crash into him and catches me. He wraps me up in a hug and whispers, "It's good to see you little sis."

  I can't help the tears that fall down my face. "I want to see Robbie."

  He squeezes me a little more and sighs. "Let's go, baby girl. I'm warning you, he doesn't look good."

  I nod my head and follow Bentley. As we walk out of the airport to his bike, I spot a black van across the street. I nudge Bentley and nod my head in the direction of the van and he follows my gaze.

  "Fuck," he mutters under his breath. As he grabs his phone and calls someone, I only hear parts of the conversation. "Black van at the airport. No, she's with me. Got it."

  Does this van have something to do with Robbie getting shot?

  "Some of the brothers are going to meet us," he says as he pulls me closer. I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.

  My phone beeps as we wait for whoever Bentley called to meet us.

  Brantley: where you at Beautiful?

  Me: the airport.

  Brantley: why the fuck you there? Where you goin?

  Me: I'm in Vegas

  Brantley: what? Why?

  Me: Robbie's been shot and they don't know if he'll live.

  Brantley: fuck doll. You okay?

  Me: no.

  A minute later my phone rings. Before I can even say anything, he speaks. "Doll, you need anything?" His voice is smooth and raspy, and I want nothing more than to be comforted by him.

  "No, I'm with Ben. I'll be fine. I just need to see him."

  He sighs into the phone. "Doll, you need me, call."

  His voice is drowned out by shots ringing through the air. Bentley pulls me behind him and I drop my phone, screaming as a bullet grazes my arm. Two men come around the van and head for me and Bentley. He pulls out a gun, shoots at them and hits one in the stomach. I see the blood start coating his shirt.

  Someone grabs me from behind and hits Bentley in the head with the butt of his gun."You scream and I'll kill him," he sneers.

  I whimper as he grabs my hair and pulls me along with him. He's wearing a cut similar to the Wayward Saints, but with different logos, and I catch a peek at the back - The Lost Raiders. So he is part of the rival club, the ones they always warned me about. When we get to the van, he picks me up and tosses me in like I'm a sack of potatoes. The door slams and the van lurches forward.

  Chapter Fifteen

  "Fuck," I bite out. I can hear shots being fired in the background. Who the fuck is shooting at Bentley?

  I hear Anslie scream, then I hear his voice. "You scream and I’ll kill him."

  I stop dead in my tracks. I ha
ven't heard that voice in five long years.

  Damien, Robbie and I used to be best friends in our teens, doing everything together. When Robbie found out that Sophie was playing both me and Damien, it ruined the friendship we had with Damien, who thought I was trying to get Robbie to turn his back on him. In reality, I was just fed up with his shit.

  He always thought I stole Sophie from him.

  Little did I know, I was being played by her too. She played the poor me role to the T, always telling me how Damien hurt her and she couldn’t get away from him. I tried to help her and we started messing around.

  When she found out she was pregnant with his kid, she tried to tell me it was mine. I knew she was just saying that so that I would get her away from him, but I didn’t listen to her bullshit, because we never actually had sex. When Damien found out Sophie was pregnant and claiming I was the father, he went off the deep end and starting threatening me.

  The club got involved when he showed up to the clubhouse spouting his shit about me knocking up his girlfriend. Sure, I was fucking girls. Hell, I got my dick wet every night, but I never fucked her. When my old man put a stop to Damien's shit, I found out that he beat Sophie so badly that he killed her and their baby. Then he became a Lost Raider, while Robbie and I joined the Wayward Saints. I wish they would of pinned it on him like he deserved. The cops didn’t even arrest the bastard. They just let him go with a slap on the wrist. I’m sure that his family paid the cops off.

  I couldn’t wrap my head around what happened to Sophie for a long time. I know Damien blames me for what he did to her. I just hope to fucking God that he doesn’t take his rage for me out on Anslie.

  I can't hear anything on my phone, and see that the call ended on her end, so I dial Dom.

  "Yeah," he answers in a rush.

  '"You need to get to the airport. Ben’s down and they grabbed Anslie." I rush the words out, knowing that bastard is going to hurt Anslie and I can't let that happen to her, too.

  "What? How the fuck do you know that?" Dom growls. This isn't going to go over well.

  "I was talking to Anslie when I heard the shots and the bastard that grabbed her."

  He takes a deep breath before he asks, "Who?"

  I say the name of the only person I regret not putting in the ground. "Damien."

  I hear the sharp intake of breath. "Fuck, you're joking."

  "Wish I was, man. I heard him. He threatened to kill Ben in front of her if she screamed."

  "I need you down here, brother. You know this bastard better than anyone. We need to get my sister home alive."

  I say the only thing that's on my mind. "I'm on my way."

  I need to get to her. Now that I finally have her, I can't let her go.

  I'm pulling up to the clubhouse when I see a black van a few blocks down. I stop a mile back, pull out my phone and dial Dom.

  "Where you at?" he barks out.

  "A mile down the road. You got a black van staking out the clubhouse. I might be coming in hot. Get the gate for me."

  I hear him talking to Raider. "Get the gate for Brant, he's coming in hot."

  "We're ready for you man," he says to me. I hang up the phone and take off towards the club house.

  As I get closer, I see one of the men get out of the van and raise his gun at me. I speed up and take the curve doing sixty, angling my bike so I get through the gate without it being open all the way. I hear the bullets whizzing by me as I screech through the gate and it shuts with a loud bang. Skidding to a stop in front of the bike shop that's attached to the club house, I park my bike and hurry in. Damn, it feels good to be back here. I wish it were under better circumstances.

  "Brother!" Dom pulls me into a hug. "It's been too long, B. How you doing?"

  I smile. "I'm all right - can't wait to come home for good, but not under these circumstances. You find Anslie yet?"

  I'm itching to know where she is. I want her back home safe and with me, where she belongs.

  "No word yet. But I have everyone on it." I can see that this is wearing on him. Dom's going be a damn good Prez when the time comes.

  "How’s Robbie?"

  "He's pulling through, but he's not out of the woods yet."

  That's a relief.

  I hear a familiar voice come from behind me. "Did you think of any other places he might take my little girl?" I turn around and come face-to-face with Prez. All the guys are staring at me, waiting for my answer.

  "None of the ones I told you about on the phone panned out? There is one more - “

  The sound of Prez's phone cuts me off.

  "Yeah?" he grunts into the phone. "Where?" He listens for a few more minutes and then says, "On our way."

  "That was Hammer. He got a lead on our girl. Damien went rogue a little over a year ago, and they just found out where he’s been staying. Let's go get her back."

  The guys start making their way to where the bikes are all parked. Everyone straddles their bike and Prez signals for us to ride. We follow in formation to the gate, where one of the prospects opens it. Prez drives up to the van and puts a bullet in two of the tires before we take off.

  Chapter Sixteen

  When we get to the warehouse, the guy drags me through the building by my hair. I cry when he pulls out a chunk of it.

  "What do you want with me," I stutter.

  He swings me around and slams me against a wall. "I'm going to torture you, princess. Those bastards tried to ruin me and now I'm taking my revenge out on you." He laughs.

  I don't want to show weakness in front of this monster, so I spit in his face. His hand comes at me so fast that I don't have time to react as he slaps me.

  Someone has to know I'm missing. Brantley was on the phone with me when the shots were fired - he has to be on his way or at least calling my dad or brothers. Even if I didn't mean anything to him, he would still lay down his life for mine - everyone in the club would.

  Meanwhile, this guy is freaking me out. He has a scar across his cheek, dirty yellow teeth and shoulder-length, greasy black hair. Every time he breathes on me, I want to gag.

  "Princess, you're going to regret being born into that club when I'm done with you."

  Terrified, I shiver and squirm around until he loosens his grip on my arms. He presses his body against mine and I can feel him getting hard. He likes that I'm struggling. I feel like I'm going to puke. He rubs against me and then drags me further into the warehouse.

  It's empty and smells like urine, with papers littering the ground that look like they've been here for years. The paint is peeling and the lighting is barely working.

  He pulls me into the last office and tosses me on the mattress on the ground, which smells like puke and urine. Flipping me over, he zip ties my hands behind my back. My dress is now up around my hips and he's staring at me like he wants to eat me alive.

  Grabbing my ankles, he pulls me closer to him and slips his hand down the front of my panties. I scream and thrash around until he hits me with the butt of his gun, so hard that I almost pass out from the pain. He continues exploring my body as I lie limp on the mattress. The only thing I can do is turn my mind and emotions off. I feel him thrust his finger into my core continuously and I'm pretty sure he's tearing my skin. Tears roll down my face as he says, "Baby, I’ll make you feel really good."

  I feel the bile coming up. I jerk my body away from him and get hit again with the gun. This time I pass out.

  I'm jolted awake when he flips me onto my stomach.

  "As much as I want to fuck your sweet pussy, princess, I think I'm going to have you suck my cock first. If you're really lucky, I'll fuck your ass next."

  I cry out for my dad. He's always been there when I needed him. Where is he now?

  He unzips his jeans and pulls them down, rubbing his dick along my body as I start to struggle. Pushing my body into the mattress with all his weight, he pulls my hair so that my mouth is by his erection.

  He sticks his dick in my face and rubs it d
own my jaw, while pinching my nipple as hard as he can. I yelp and he slams his cock into my mouth. I start to gag but he doesn't care. He keeps thrusting into my mouth, so I bite down and he squeals like a pig. Then he puts his hand around my neck and grunts out, "I will kill everyone in your family if you don't fucking cooperate. Then I will use your body for my pleasure every day of the rest of your life." He laughs.

  He strokes his cock a few times and shoves it in my mouth again, and I start crying. I feel him swell more and he pulls out and shoots his come all over my face and chest.

  Pulling up his pants, he laughs as he walks out into the warehouse.

  I sit on the mattress and pray that the club is coming for me. After it's been quiet for awhile, I feel myself drift off to sleep.

  I'm jolted awake because he has his hands on my thighs and is pulling me down the mattress towards him. My body is so tired that I can't even fight back anymore. My whole lower body is dry and stings, and there's dried blood caked all over me.

  He pushes my back down so that my chest is flat on the mattress, pulls my hips up and shifts behind me. I feel his cock against my still-naked skin as it prods my ass cheeks.

  In one hard thrust, he sticks his cock in my ass. I scream because it feels like my ass is on fire. The pain is almost unbearable, and tears are pouring out of my eyes. I can smell his bad breath as he pants on my neck.

  My mind is numbing itself to what he's doing to me. I can't mentally handle this. Two nights ago I was still a virgin - now I feel like I'm dirty. I wish that he would just hurry up and finish. My whole body is throbbing in pain as he grunts in my ear that he's gonna come in my ass. I thank God that this is almost over.

  “Fuck, your ass is heaven,” he roars as he finishes. A sob escapes from my mouth.

  “I knew you'd like it, bitch.”

  I shake my head and he pushes me back on the bed and punches me in the nose. Blood squirts everywhere. It makes its way into my mouth and I spit it out at him.

  “Bitch, I'll be back for that pussy of yours next.” He slinks out of the room and slams the door shut. I close my eyes and pray that someone will find me before he comes back.