Wayward Angel Read online

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  “Anytime, doll. Let me see your phone.” She hands it over and I plug in my number. “You ever need anything, give me a call.”

  I shoot her a wink. She waves and I take off, heading back to the clubhouse to ease that lingering ache. Even a club whore won't be able to relieve it.

  Fuck, I want to get this girl under me and soon.

  Oh my god. I can't believe Brantley’s rock hard body just pressed up against mine. My whole body is humming with need. Sitting at school today is going to suck.

  Casey is waiting at my locker. “Gosh Anslie, way to make an entrance. Everyone is talking about that hot biker who just dropped you off.”

  I sigh. I hate when people talk about me. Living with my mom, I’ve had enough gossip about me to last a life time.

  If it weren't for Casey, I would be a total loner. She's the only person who has been nice to me since I started school here a month ago. Beautiful in her own way, she's tall and thin, with the prettiest light blue eyes I have ever seen. Her auburn hair is to die for.

  “He is pretty hot.” I blush when I think about him. “Oh my god, you have a crush on him!” She squeals.

  I blush more and duck my head into my locker. While I'm there, I grab all the stuff I need for first period and we take off towards our first class.

  By third period, twenty girls have asked who brought me to school this morning and if he's single. I swear, even when my dad drops me off it's the same thing. No one wants to talk to me for me, they all just want to know who the “sexy bikers” are.

  At lunch, Casey and I grab our trays and find a table far away from everyone else.

  “You are starting to become the “it” thing, Ans.” Her smile grows as I get more annoyed.

  “Ugh! I wish they would just leave me alone about the club.”

  “Whatever happens, just don't become like those girls, Anslie.”

  I sigh. “I'd rather be friends with you and never have another friend, than be friends with any of them. They just want to talk to me because of my brothers and the club.”

  Once lunch is done, we throw away our trash and are starting towards are next class when I hear someone yell my name. I turn around and come face to face with the most popular girl in school. Tara is the typical blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty that every girl wants to be. Rich and stuck up, she thinks that no one matters but her and her crowd of “it girl” friends. I hate girls like that.

  “So I was wondering if you wanted to come to my party on Saturday?” she asks.

  “Oh...maybe. Can Casey come too?” Not that I'm excited to even be invited. She's probably only asking because she hopes I'll bring one of my brothers.

  “Sure. Do you think some of those bikers you know are going to come with you, too?”

  Bingo! That’s all these girls think about. Just once, I wish I could be invited for me, not who I know.

  Looking at Tara, I doubt she could handle one of those bikers. They're all broody, tough and half the time, they scare me. And I know my dad wouldn't let any of them touch me.

  “Probably not, they typically have their own parties on weekends.” I try to keep a smile on my face, but it’s hard to be nice to these girls.

  “Well, you can always invite them too. See you later.” She waves and walks back to her friends, acting like I don’t exist again. I'm not sure if I should even go to this party. Maybe I should go just to make it look like I'm trying to fit in here. This could bring some of the attention off of me and Casey.

  At the end of the day, I sit in front of the school, where my brothers pick me up after school. I hope one of them shows up soon.

  Thirty minutes pass and I get tired of waiting. Everyone has already gone home except for a few teachers. Since the school is only two miles from my house, I decide to walk. It's so much closer than the walk I used to make when I lived with my mom. My dad doesn't like me walking home, so someone is always here to pick me up. I wonder where they are.

  Half a mile from the school, I hear the familiar rumble of a motorcycle. I turn to see who it is, but I don't recognize the rider. I start to walk faster and he slows down, making pace with me. He looks me up and down as he passes by, then he finally speeds off and I slow my walking speed.

  I'm freaking out. What if he comes back? I call Dom, but it goes to voice mail, which is typical lately. I call my dad and get voice mail again. Typical. They get mad when I don't call, but when I do, they don't answer.

  I'm afraid to call Brantley because I don't want to sound needy, so I decide to text him instead. Maybe he won't think I'm clingy.

  Me: hey have you talked to Dom?

  His response is almost immediate. I swear it's like he was waiting for me to text him, which makes me giddy. I wonder if he can't stop thinking about me, like I can't stop thinking about him.

  Brantley: no, last I heard was he was on a run. why?

  Oh, that must be why he's not here. Damn, I wish I'd known. I would have had Casey take me home.

  Me: he was suppose to pick me up from school.

  Brantley: didn't you get out like an hour ago? where are you

  Me: yea. I'm walking home right now

  Brantley: where are you

  Me: half way home.

  Brantley: I'm on my way

  me: it's okay I'll be fine.

  He doesn't text back, so I'm guessing he didn't listen when I said I'm fine. Actually, I’m glad he's coming. I don't want that guy to come back while I'm walking alone.

  When I hear the rumble of a motorcycle and see Brantley coming down the street towards me, I sigh with relief that it's not that creepy guy from earlier.

  Chapter Five

  I finally see Anslie walking down the street. Thank god. I was starting to worry that something had happened to her when I didn't see her closer to the house. I pull over and hand her my helmet. She smiles shyly and straps it on before getting on behind me. She wraps her arms around my waist and I wish she would never let go. I think about having her spread out in front of me. I want to lay her on my bike and fuck her hard. It’s selfish, I know, but I want this girl so bad I can’t help it.

  “You should have called me. I would have came and picked you up,” I growl. I hate that she didn’t ask me for a ride. I want to spank her ass for not calling me.

  “I know, I just didn't want to bother you.”

  Her innocence is so fucking refreshing. What she doesn’t know is that I would drop anything to come get her. I feel this overpowering need to protect her and make sure she's always loved. Fuck. This can't be good.

  I smirk. “Trust me doll, it would have been no bother. I would come gladly.”

  Instead of responding, she just puts her face in my back. I love when she gets all shy on me. Maybe she's thinking the same dirty thoughts that I am.

  We pull up to Prez’s house and she slowly gets off my bike. Cocking her head to the side, she stares at me for a second.

  “Brantley, can I ask you a question?”

  Shit, I hope it's something I can answer without getting my ass kicked by her bothers or dad.

  “Yeah, doll.”

  She looks around nervously before asking, “Is there another club in this town?”

  Well, that's not what I was thinking she would ask me. “No, not in town, but our rival club is a few towns over. Why?”

  She checks her surroundings and lets out a shaky breath before continuing. “When I was walking home, a bike came up behind me and slowed down. The rider stared at me the whole time. It creeped me out.”

  Shit. This is worse than I thought.

  I pull my phone out and call Prez. I get his voicemail, so I tell him to call me ASAP. I look over at Anslie and she looks scared. “I'm gonna stay here with you till someone else gets home.”


  I lead her inside and lock the door behind me. My gun is in the back of my jeans, plus I know there are at least six guns in the living room alone in Prez’s place. Not that I think we'll need them tonight, but it never
hurts to be prepared.

  She watches me check the house and I motion for her to sit on the couch.

  “What are you looking for?” she asks sweetly.

  I finish my sweep and look into her innocent eyes. “Just making sure no one got in while you guys were gone. Just a safety measure we all do. Don’t worry about it, doll.”

  She smiles up at me and after a few moments of silence, asks, “You want to watch a movie?” Her smile lights up the room.

  I can't believe that in a matter of days, this girl has turned me into a fucking pussy. I can't help but smile back at her. “Yeah, a movie is good.”

  I sit on the couch while she turns on the movie. When the title comes on, she starts giggling. She presses play and Pitch Perfect starts. I have no idea what the fuck she's making me watch, but I don't really mind as long as I get to spend some time with her. We watch the whole movie and then she puts something else on. I’m not even sure what it is, but it involves some vampire bullshit. I don't know what filmmakers are thinking anymore. What happened to classics like Tombstone and Rocky? That's what's wrong with kids these days. They watch movies with vampires and sing-along's.

  Anslie starts to nod off, so she's curled up on the couch with her head on my lap when her brothers come in the door. Of course this is how her brothers find us. Dom looks between me and his sister with a warning look, before opening his mouth to speak. “Hey, B. What's the emergency? Prez said to check in with you when we got here.”

  I gently move Anslie's head off my lap and put a pillow under her, where I was. We move to the kitchen before I speak.

  “Anslie was walking home from school and someone from another club slowed down and watched her while they drove by slowly. She was freaked out.”

  “Fuck, I forgot I was supposed to pick her up today. I should have had you get her, B.” Robbie looks over at Anslie on the couch with concern in his eyes.

  “He didn't do anything to her? Didn't say anything?” He looks a little shaken after he asks the question.

  “No, not that I know of. She just said he stared at her.”

  I watch Dom pace back and forth in the kitchen. “One of us must be with her at all times. I don't want that asshole coming back and getting near her again.”

  Damn, he’s starting to sound like her dad. “If someone can't be with her, we'll get a prospect on her. She can't be alone, since we don't know who’s watching her.” He states with authority.

  Robbie, Raef, Bentley and I all nod agreement.

  Bentley carefully picks Anslie up off the couch and takes her upstairs. I wish it was me holding her right now.

  I need a drink. “Alright, I'm gonna head back to the club house, holler if you need anything.”

  I hear a round of grunts from my brothers before I take off.

  Chapter Six

  It's been a week since I've seen that creepy biker. My brothers and Brantley don’t allow me to go anywhere without one of them. The only good thing is that we haven’t seen anyone suspicious.

  Sitting in my room after school, I get a text message from Marcus, who plays on the football team and is super cute in a jock sort of way. He's got dark brown hair that he spikes in a faux hawk. He is six inches taller than me, with a trim, athletic body. Never in a million years did I think he would talk to me - yet here he is texting me.

  Marcus: hey Anslie

  Me: hey

  Marcus: what are you up to? You still with that biker?

  Me: just sitting at home

  I wonder why he cares about Brantley. It’s not like I’m dating him.

  Marcus: isn't that biker a little too old for you?

  Me: why do you care?

  Everyone assumes that I’m sleeping with all of the bikers because they bring me to school. Ugh. That’s gross.

  Marcus: because I like you. You should be dating a guy your own age.

  Me: I'm not dating him.

  Marcus: so does that mean if I ask you out, you'll go out with me?

  Me: maybe.

  That’s weird. I wasn’t even sure he knew who I was.

  A few minutes later, my phone starts to ring and I see Marcus’ name pop up.

  “Hello?” I answer cautiously.

  “Hey, Anslie. I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me tonight?” he asks

  I wonder why one of the most popular guys at our school is so shy about talking to me. Every guy wants to be him and every girl wants to date him.

  “Sure, I just have to make sure it's okay with my dad first.” I want to be excited about him asking me out, but part of me isn’t at all. Part of me wishes that it was Brantley, but I know that will never happen. It’s against club rules. I wonder if he feels the same sparks that I feel whenever we're in the same room. “I’ll text you to let you know what my dad says.”

  “Okay, cool. I’ll see you later - hopefully. Bye, Anslie.”

  “Bye, Marcus.”

  I hang up and call Casey to tell her about my conversation with Marcus. She squeals in my ear and makes me promise to tell her everything after our date. She is so excited for me - I wish I was that happy about the date.

  After a few hours of homework, I hear the front door open and close. “Hey baby girl, you here?” I hear my dad’s voice yell from downstairs. I push my books off me and run down to the kitchen.

  “Hi daddy!” I squeal, jumping into his arms.

  He chuckles before asking, “What do you want?”

  I nervously smile and ask the question I’m not sure I want the answer to. “Daddy, Marcus from school asked me out today. Can I go out with him?” I give him my pleading eyes and look up at him under my lashes.

  “I don’t know baby, is he just trying to get in your pants?”

  I scoff. “Are you kidding me?!” I shriek. “Dad, no! That’s gross!”

  He chuckles and shakes his head. “Baby, boys his age are only thinking about one thing - and that is getting laid. Many times.”

  I huff out, “How do you know?” I cock my hip to the side and put my hands on my hips and give my dad a dirty look.

  The door opens and closes before he can answer my question, and in come Dom and Brantley. My breath catches in my throat when I see the dark blue jeans hugging Brantley’s body perfectly and the tight black shirt showing off all his muscles. I see him smirk at me and I quickly shake my head to rid myself of the dirty thoughts running through it.

  “Because baby, I was that boy’s age once, and hell, I raised your four brothers and they all went through that same phase. Fuck, they are still in that phase.”

  “What phase, old man?” Dom questions, while looking between dad and me.

  “Ans thinks the boy who asked her out isn’t just thinking about getting her naked.”

  I gasp. I didn’t want Brantley to hear this conversation. I look over and see him clench his jaw.

  Dom laughs. “Oh, little girl, at your age that was the only thing I thought about. What about you, Brant? You're younger than me. What was it, five years ago for you?”

  Brantley grunts out a yes and looks me up and down before saying, “Doll, if I was sixteen again, I would have had you under me even before the first date.”

  My dad and brother start laughing because they know it's true. I'm pretty sure my jaw just dropped and I can’t find any words. Finally, I manage to snap out of it and ask my dad if I can go on the date.

  “Yeah, baby girl, just call if you need us. You get me?”

  “Yeah dad, I get you. Thank you. Love you.”

  He walks over to me and kisses me on the head. “Love you more kid.”

  Over the next few weeks, Marcus and I start dating. I never imagined myself with a football player, but he’s sweet and thoughtful, nothing like my dad and brothers said he would be like.

  One day, we go to the diner by the clubhouse. I'm sipping on my diet coke and looking through the menu when Dom and Brantley came strolling in. They see me and come strutting up like they own the place, and I watch Marcus fidgetin
g nervously with his straw. Dom sits next to Marcus and Brant sits beside me.

  "Hey guys," Dom says with a smile. He knows he's getting to Marcus - I can tell by the look in his eyes.

  Marcus starts to stutter as he responds to my brother. "Hey, Dominic. Brantley."

  I can see the smirk on Brant's face. He's enjoying this too.

  I'm getting fed up with my brothers trying to intimidate Marcus. "What do you guys want?" I snap. I hate that they're being like this. I feel Brant's hand on my thigh, trying to calm me down without saying anything. He's been doing this more and more over the last few months.

  "Doll." My nickname just rolls off of his tongue.

  I shake his hand off of me. "Don't doll me. You guys need to stop. You can't run my life! I'll be seventeen soon and I deserve to do what I want." I clench my fists and stare at my brother.

  Both Dom and Brantley look at me in shock. I've never told them off before. It feels kind of good, actually.

  Dom shakes his head while Brant leans in and whispers in my ear. "Doll, I want to paddle your ass so fucking bad right now."

  I squirm in my seat and he continues with a smirk, "You getting all fired up makes me hard as a fucking rock. As much as I want to fuck you, I can't. I hate that you're off limits." He pulls away, gets out of the booth, motions to my brother and they both leave the diner without looking back. Holy hell.

  Marcus and I order food and eat in silence. We don't even make eye contact. After he pays the bill, we head out to his truck. He drops me off at home without so much as a glance in my direction. I wonder if all guys are such pussies when it comes to my brothers? I want someone who will stand up to them. I get ready for bed and dream about what Brantley said.

  It's Saturday and I'm home alone because my brothers went on a run last night. Marcus sent me a text a few hours ago and invited me to go to a party with him. Luckily, Casey is supposed to be at the party, too.

  I get ready and wait for Marcus to pick me up. I'm wearing a pair of dark blue, Empyre skinny jeans, a blood red tank top and black Chucks. My hair is down and straight and i put on lip gloss. Making my way downstairs, I see that Bentley walking out of the kitchen.