Bastards and Angels (Sinners Book 2) Page 9
“You’re fuckin’ beautiful,” I say, looking up into her eyes. She blushes and tries to hide her face from me with her hands. Grabbing her wrists, I put her hands above her head, and look her in the eyes. “It’s the fuckin’ truth. You steal my breath away and you don’t even realize it.” Her eyes start to water, and I lean down to kiss her lips.
“I’m falling,” she says quietly. All I know is that I’m completely fucked. I never expected to fall for her. Shit, I couldn’t even tell my wife that I loved her all these years and the words just almost came out of my mouth. I almost told my Trixibella that I loved her.
“I’ll catch you,” I whisper before I take her mouth in mine and show her just how fuckin’ much I care about her.
Her hand touches my arm, and my mind comes back to the present. “Where were you just now?” she asks. Her eyebrows are scrunched together, and she almost looks worried.
“I was just thinking about the day I almost told you I loved you.” An eyebrow rises and she gives me a questioning look. I never told her I loved her until after it was too late, so she has no idea what time I’m actually talking about. “You told me you couldn’t get enough of me, and I told you that it was because I am sexy as fuck.” She rolls her eyes and me, but I see the small grin that pulls at the corners of her lips.
I waggle my eyebrows at her and I already know what she is going to say. “You mean you’re crazy,” she says, laughing.
“You said the same thing to me that day.” She nods her head, and looks around the room for a few seconds, before she turns her attention back to me.
“I know. I remember it like it was yesterday. I just didn’t know that you wanted to tell me you loved me.” She looks away almost like it hurts her to say the words.
“I’ve loved you since day one. I’m an idiot, I know. I let you go when I should have fought harder for you, for them, for us.” When Bexley starts to cry, I hand her over to Trix who pulls a bottle out of her bag and mixes some formula into the water and shakes it before handing it to her.
“I wish you were home and not here.” She looks around the room again, almost like she’s nervous.
“Me too, baby.” I reach out to grab her thigh and she looks at me with sad eyes. “Why do you look so nervous?” I finally ask when she doesn’t look me in the eye.
“I got a note the other day, and I didn’t want to say anything if it was going to affect your case.” Blade moves into my lap, and I let him wrap his arms around me.
“Wuv you, daddy,” he says, kissing my cheek with a loud smack. I wrap my arms around him and hug him to me. The guard looks like he’s about to say something, but the other one stops him.
“I love you too, kid,” I say, kissing his cheek. Turning my attention back to Trix, I ask her what the note said.
Leaning forward, she whispers, “That letting you take the fall was the wrong choice.” I can feel my anger start to boil over and I curse under my breath.
“Oooh daddy bad wood.” Blade says, grabbing my cheeks with his hands. I look back up at Trix and she’s looking down at Bex.
“What if something happens while you’re here?” Her voice is low and shaky.
“I won’t let it. I’ll do everything in my power to protect you three even while I’m locked up,” I affirm. She nods her head, but doesn’t say anything else. I need to get a call to Prez and make sure he knows that someone is threatening Trix.
Before I can say anything else, the guards are announcing that visiting time is over. Blade hugs onto me, and refuses to let go when Trix tries to tell him that they need to leave. She puts Bexley in her car seat before she pulls Blade off of me.
“I love you, E. Please be careful in here. We need you on the outside.” I nod my head and watch Blade as tears stream down his cheeks.
“I love you too, babe. I’ll be home soon.” Blade wraps his little arms around my legs and hugs me as hard as he can before Trix grabs the car seat, and his hand, leading him out of the room. His tear-streaked face looks over his shoulder at me, and he waves slightly.
My heart constricts and I feel like I’m letting them down. I’m going to rot away in here and they are going to be out there.
When the guard leads me back to my cell, I take a seat on the extra bed and put my head in my hands. I’ve already missed the last three months, and I’m going to miss a hell of a lot more. Fuck. Grabbing the phone from under the mattress, I dial Prez’s number and wait for him to answer.
“Yeah?” he barks out.
“Someone is threatening her. I want someone to watch them,” I demand. I hear his sigh come over the line, and I know he doesn’t like when anyone gives him demands.
“I already know about it. She brought it to me when she found it. I got her. I need you out here to figure out who the fuck is trying to frame Trix. Romeo went off the rails when she ended shit with him after you went in, and I am filling in for his ass until he can pull his head out of his. You sure as hell don’t deserve me helping with this shit, but she does and so do those kids.”
Closing my eyes, I lean back against the concrete wall and breathe in a sigh of relief. That means that Ro won’t be sniffing around her for a while.
Three Months. Six Days. Two Hours.
“Briody!” someone yells from outside of my cell. I look towards the doorway, and see one of the guards standing there.
“What?” I bite out. I’m fuckin’ bitter that I’m in this fuckin’ hellhole, and all I want to do is fuck my girl instead of my damn hand. Hell, I want to see my kids even more than that. I’ve seen them once a month for the last three months, and it fuckin’ burns my chest every time they walk away from me.
My little girl is starting to roll around, and all I have are pictures of the three of them. Blade is now two and a little hellion. He is definitely keeping Trixie busy. Every time I call her, she’s practically yelling at him to sit down or to watch the movie that she has on the TV for him.
“You’re being released,” he states. I stare at him, thinking that maybe he’s fuckin’ with me.
“What do you mean I’m being released?” I ask hesitantly. I get off my bunk and make my way towards him. If he’s fuckin’ with me, I’m going to fuckin’ kill the bastard right here. I don’t give a fuck if I get more time added to my sentence.
“Looks like your lawyer found some evidence that proves that you didn’t do it,” he says, shrugging. “Let’s go. We need to get you processed and out the door.” I look back at my cellmate that I was graced with last week and he looks at me with wide eyes. He’s a young kid and in prison for attempted murder. He’s a good kid that got mixed up in the wrong crowd.
“You know where to find me when you get out. I’m serious. Let me help you get your shit together,” I say to him. He doesn’t say a word, but he nods. At least I know the fucker was listening to me.
The guards lead me away from my cell and towards freedom. Fuck, I can’t wait to get out of this shithole. Six months in lock up feels like a damn lifetime, and I can’t wait to kiss my kids and my Trixibella. They are the only things that kept me fighting for my life in this place. A lot of fuckers didn’t even think to fuck with me because of my associations to Stavros and the club. His reputation precedes him and, since there has been some chatter about what he went through and what he did to protect his ol’ lady, he’s even more of a badass to these pussies in here.
The guards process me and hand me my clothes, telling me to strip down and redress in my street clothes. Once I get my shit back, I feel like a new man. Now, I just need a fuckin’ shower.
The sun is bright as I make my way through the doors. I look up to the sky and feel the warm rays hit my skin. When I look back down towards the road, I see my angel standing there. Her red hair is blowing, and she’s standing there by herself. Her tee shirt and jeans hug her fuckin’ body perfectly and I can’t help but stand there and stare at her.
Making my way towards her, I feel my heart pounding in my chest. How the hell did she even k
now I was getting out today? She knew before I did. Wrapping my arm around her, I pull her body into mine and just breathe her in. She wraps her arms around my neck and just holds on to me. One of my hands rests on her lower back and the other is on the back of her neck.
“Fuck, you don’t know how fuckin’ good it feels to hold you,” I whisper against her hair. She nods her head and buries her face into my neck. I can feel her tears as they fall on my skin. “Where are the kids?” I ask, slowly pulling away from her.
“Stavros is watching them,” she says with a shy smile.
“So, I get you all to myself?” I ask with a grin. She nods her head and pulls me back to her body. “God, it feels like forever since I’ve seen you.” Since I’ve been locked up, we’ve finally been able to just talk. Nothing but talking, and maybe wishing it was her pussy sliding down my shaft as I thought about her at night. My fuckin’ hands got a damn work out while I was inside, and fuck if I didn’t wish that it was her wrapped around me.
“You saw us a few weeks ago and we talked last night on the phone,” she says, grinning up at me. I shrug my shoulders. I could have seen them yesterday, and still I would think that it’s been too damn long.
“Am I taking you home?” she asks, running a finger down my chest. I try to remember if my mortgage was paid while I was gone, but I can’t think of anything but her.
“Stavros gave me money to keep your mortgage current for when you got out.” I pull her mouth to mine and kiss her again.
“Fuck, I don’t know what I would do without you.” Her hands run through my longer than ever hair, and she pulls at the sides, nails scratching at my scalp. She did this all the time when we would be lying in bed together. It brings back so many memories. We’d fight, we’d fuck, and then we’d make up. It was what we always did. I hate that we fought so much, but she’s so passionate that I don’t think we could help it. The make-up sex was fuckin’ phenomenal, to say the least.
“Oh, I heard a song that reminded me of you the other day,” she says, as I lead her towards her car. The same car I paid for when hers broke down on her six months after we started our affair.
“What was that?” I ask, putting my lips against her neck briefly.
“Don’t judge,” she says with a blush creeping up her neck. I push her up against the car and press my body against hers.
“I would never.” I nip at her chin and then her jaw. “Just tell me.”
“It’s a pop song.” She looks over my shoulder, keeping her eyes off of me. I urge her to tell me the name, and I can’t help but give her a strange look when she says the name of the song. “Rock Bottom.” Her voice is quiet, and I force her to look at me. Before I can ask her why that song remind her of me, she tells me that she wants to play it for me.
I release her and she opens the driver’s door and grabs her phone. She searches for something on it by pushing a bunch of buttons on the screen before turning the volume up. I listen to the words and I have to admit that they hit home with us half the time.
When the song comes to an end, she looks up at me expectantly. I pull her back to me, and press a kiss to her lips. “That definitely sounds like us. I just hope like hell that we can figure this shit out for the kid’s sake.”
“Me too,” she whispers, pressing her face into the side of my neck. Her lips touch my skin.
“Come on, let’s get home and away from this fuckin’ place.” I bite down gently on her earlobe and hear her sigh. Grabbing the keys out of her jeans pocket, I walk her to the passenger side and help her in the car. Shutting the door, I take one last look at the prison before I make my way to the driver’s side and get in.
The whole drive to my house is spent quiet, almost like we don’t know how to talk to each other now that I’m out of prison. Her hand is resting on my thigh and, every few seconds, she rubs her fingers in a circle. My hand is in her lap and my fingers are absently rubbing between her thighs.
Out of nowhere, she turns to me and gives me a strange look. She goes to say something, but thinks better of it. Pulling into the driveway, I put the car in park and turn to her. “What?” I ask. She goes to say something, but then closes her mouth again.
“Trixibella, what?” I finally growl. She gets the hint to just fuckin’ spit it out.
“Don’t be mad, but, with the threats and shit, I didn’t feel like me and the kids were safe in my apartment anymore…” She trails off, and I raise an eyebrow at her.
“Okay?” I ask. “So, you moved to another one?” She shakes her head no, and my mind goes straight to my worse fear. She’s back with Romeo. “Then what, Trix? I don’t feel like playing a fuckin’ guessing game. All I want to do is shower and fuck you. So spit it the fuck out,” I ground out.
Her eyes narrow at me and she opens her door, getting out in a huff. I get out and follow her as she huffs and puffs her way to my front door. I watch as she unlocks it and makes her way inside. I love when she’s pissy like this. This is when we have the best fuckin’ sex. The madder she is, the kinkier she gets.
Reaching out before she can go too far into the house, I grab her arm and push her against the wall next to the door. Slamming the door shut, I lean into her and watch her expression. She has three expressions written all over her face: anger, worry, and lust.
“What?” I ask, pressing my hips into her. She looks at the ceiling, and refuses to say anything. Instead of trying to force it out of her, I release her and walk away. Making my way into the living room, I see toys on the floor. Not just the toys Blade left when I got arrested, but a doll and a few girly stuffed animals.
Walking out of the living room, I make my way towards Blade’s room. A crib is sitting against the opposite wall as his bed, and there are more toys on the ground. I make my way to the master bedroom, and I see her stuff all over the bed and some of her shoes on the ground by the closet. She moved in here while I was gone. Looking at the dresser by the bed, I see a picture of Blade and me. The next photo is of her and the kids. The last photo is of her and me. It was taken so long ago that I almost forgot about it. It’s the only photo we’ve ever taken, and it’s some Polaroid that Harlyn took when she got that stupid camera.
I have Trix sitting on my lap and a beer in my hand. My other hand is between her legs, and cupping her pussy through her jeans. Getting closer to the frame, I pick it up and hold it closer. She has a smirk on her face like she’s won something. I hear her footsteps as she makes her way into the room and, when I turn around, she has a small grin on her face.
“You moved in here?” I already know the answer, but I need to hear it from her to believe it. She could have moved anywhere. Hell, I half expected her to leave the damn state while I was away.
“Yeah. I should have told you, but I didn’t know what to say or how to even bring it up. I wasn’t even sure that you’d be coming home at all.” Setting the picture back on the dresser, I make my way towards her. Grabbing the back of her neck, I pull her body to mine and look down into her eyes.
“I fuckin’ love you.” My breath is on her lips, and I watch the way her expression changes. She didn’t expect those words to come out of my mouth, that much I can tell. She probably expected me to yell at her or something. Start a fight over nothing. Not this time. I’m just fuckin’ happy that my girl and my kids are living under my roof.
“That wasn’t the response I was expecting,” she whispers against my lips. I frown at her response, but I’m sure it’s something I should have expected, even though I’ve been trying to get her ass into my house permanently since before she started dating that prick, Romeo.
“What response did you expect? I’ve been trying to get you in my house since after the lock down was lifted.” I press a kiss to her lips, but she breaks it before it can go too far.
“And what? Live with you and your wife?” She scrunches her nose in a cute way, and shakes her head. “No, thank you. I didn’t want her anywhere near Blade. I would have rather been homeless.” When she looks at me,
her eyes burn all the way into my damn soul. I would have never brought her or my son to live with my wife. Fuck, I would have kicked that bitch out and moved them in.
“You know damn well that I would have taken care of you. I wouldn’t have put you anywhere near that bitch.” She nods her head and presses her lips against mine. Closing my eyes, I let her take control and set the pace.
Her mouth is on mine, and my dick is straining against my jeans. It’s been way too fuckin’ long since I’ve had her pussy wrapped around me. Pressing her into the wall, I put her hands over her head and claim her mouth. She moves us around until my back is to the wall, and I grin against her lips.
“You taking control?” She nods her head and releases my hands. Her fingers trail down my body towards my jeans where she starts to undo them. Her mouth connects with mine again as we battle for dominance. Her hands get my jeans undone, and pushed down my thighs, in record time. Pulling her mouth off of mine, she sinks down to her knees and takes my dick into her warm, wet mouth.
I love the feeling of her tongue running along the underside of my dick. She bobs her head up and down my shaft. Grabbing the top of her head, I speed up our pace. Fuckin’ her mouth is like damn heaven and, if I don’t pull out of it soon, I’m going to blow my load way too fuckin’ fast. Her teeth graze my dick as she pulls her mouth off of me. Before I can pull her up, she’s taking me back to the back of her throat.
“Fuck,” I groan out. “I’m going to come if you don’t stop now,” I grit out. My hand tightens in her hair, and she doesn’t let up on me. I watch as she takes me in and out of her mouth like she’s on a damn mission. My balls tighten, and I pull her head to me, until I’m at the back of her throat and coming in her mouth. I fuck her mouth slowly as I come down from my orgasm. She looks up at me with a cocky grin as she licks the tip clean.
Grabbing the back of her hair, I pull her up and kiss her hard. Her mouth tastes like me, and I can feel my dick hardening again. Her hands go to my hair, and she tugs on it, as she hops up and wraps her legs around my waist. Walking her over to the bed, I lay her on her back and run my fingers down to her jeans, starting to undo them. Pulling them down her hips and legs, I run my mouth along her skin. She has no damn panties on, and fuck it turns me on even more.