Protecting Siena Page 8
“What the fuck are you doing here?” A couple of my new recruits come over to us and watch as the scene unfolds.
“Where is she?” He asks. I cut off his windpipe and he starts to fight and push me off of him.
“She isn’t fucking here. Do you not remember you getting me kicked off her detail? Maybe she doesn’t like fat fucks like you.” I push down on his throat once more before I move off of him.
He rubs his neck and hurries to get off the ground. “Come at me again and I won’t hesitate to put a bullet in you. I don’t give a fuck who you are.” I spit at his feet and he jumps back.
“You’re fucking crazy.” He yells. Good, I hope he thinks I’m crazy. Maybe then he will stop trying to fuck with me and Siena. “I don’t get what that bitch sees in you.”
“She likes that my dick is bigger than yours, and I can actually make her come.” He starts to come at me and I raise an eyebrow, stopping him in his tracks.
“You ever touch her again, and I won’t have to worry about you.” He turns and walks back to his car as that sets in.
“Next time you fuck her, just know that she’s thinking about me being inside of her. Know that it’s my cum that she prefers between her thighs.” He charges at me and the new recruits stop him and push him back. I smirk at him, and they force him to his car.
He doesn’t say a word as he gets in and I watch him drive off even more pissed than when he got here.
Three Months Later
Lying in bed, I hear my phone beep, and when I check it; I see a photo of Siena with her hands between her thighs. Her fingers are dipped inside her pussy and my dick stands to attention automatically. Fuck what I wouldn’t give to sink inside of her right now. It’s been two weeks since I’ve fucked her, and I’m craving a release. Pulling my dick out of my sweats, I send her a picture back and toss my phone on the bed beside me.
Fuck it. I’ll just rub one out real quick before I pass out. Grabbing my phone again, I pull up the picture and slowly stroke myself. I imagine that it’s her hand sliding up and down my shaft and it doesn’t take me long to come. I take a picture of my cum on my stomach and dick and send it to her. Grabbing a shirt off the floor next to my bed, I clean myself up, and plug my phone in to charge.
As soon as I close my eyes, I hear my phone beep with a new message. Opening it, I see a picture of her wet pussy and I groan. Fuck, she likes to tease me. She went somewhere with dick head and the rest of the family, but I was told to stay here and get the rest of the new guys trained. They are supposed to be back tonight, but I haven’t heard a word from my guys on a time that they will be getting in.
My phone beeps again and I get a picture of her tits. The message under it says that she misses my dick, tongue, and fingers.
Me: Why? Your boy Tony can’t get you off?
Just thinking about him touching her pisses me off, but there is nothing I can do about it. I’m still not allowed near her and we’re still sneaking around when she’s here. I don’t get laid nearly as much as I did, but her pussy is definitely worth the wait.
Siena: I hate you.
Me: No you don’t baby. You crave me just as much as I crave you.
Siena: He tried to mark me.
Me: Mark you?
Siena: He tried to leave hickies on me. I pushed him off of me and when he told my father, it was demanded that I give him my body. That I become the wife I’m supposed to be.
My anger starts to pour out of me and I want to fucking kill him.
Siena: Please don’t punish me. I had no choice.
Me: When are you guys coming back?
Siena: We are staying longer. Daddy has some business meeting tomorrow that was set up by Tony.
I don’t write her back; instead I put my phone down. I’m too fucking pissed to even have a conversation. Tony is doing that shit on purpose. He’s been acting funny since our last run-in, and I have a feeling that he’s going to make his move on Siena’s father soon.
Siena: Sloane?
Me: Yeah baby
Siena: Can’t you come and get me? He expects me to perform my “duties” for him when he gets back.
Me: Knee him in the balls if he comes near you.
My phone starts to ring and a picture of her pops up. “Yeah Siena?” I answer.
“Last time I did that he grabbed me by the neck. I don’t want him to hurt me or worse this time.” Her voice changes and she sounds worried.
“If he touches you like that again, scream your fucking head off, and my guys will be there in seconds. I don’t give a fuck what he says; he isn’t going to treat you like that.” She sucks in a breath and then blows it out slowly.
“I wish I was home with you right now.” She has no fucking clue how much I wish she was here with me, too.
“I miss you.” I almost don’t catch the words as they fall from her lips, but I did.
“I miss you, too, Princess, even if you are a pain in my ass most times.” She giggles and I know she’s about to say something dirty to me.
“You can stick it in my ass.” Biting my lip, I try not to groan.
“Don’t fucking tempt me.”
She gets a husky tone and the words turn me on even more, “I’ll let you be my first.”
“I have to go, someone is coming.” She hangs up before I can even say anything back to her offer.
Closing my eyes, I try to fall asleep but I have a hard time after the offer Siena put out there a few minutes ago. It’s the only thing I can think of at the moment, and I want to bring her ass home just so I can take her up on it.
When I finally pass out, I am woken up two hours later. Answering the ringing phone, I tell the person on the other line that this better be fucking good. “Sloane, I think you might have a problem.”
“What kind of problem Gully?” I groan into the phone. Rolling over, I see the time and I wait for him to tell me the problem.
“She’s been throwing up since Tony got back, so we took her to the hospital.” He pauses and I already know what he’s going to say.
“And?” I grunt out.
“She’s pregnant.” I feel like the wind is knocked out of me.
“How far along?” I barely get the words out. My mind is fucking spinning with whether or not this kid is mine. We’ve never used protection and now I feel stupid as fuck about it. Shit.
“Don’t know. I got kicked out of the room. I’m only telling you what I overheard. But Sloane, Tony is fucking pissed. So is Xavier. Is this kid yours?”
Blowing out a breath, I put my head in my hands and sit up in my bed. “I don’t fucking know. Could be.”
“They are pushing up the marriage now. She has two weeks.” Fuck. Falling back against the pillows, I close my eyes.
“If that kid is mine she’s not marrying him.” I hear him snort at my declaration.
“What the fuck are you going to do to stop it?” Thinking over all the things I can do, I give him the one that I won’t think twice about.
“I’ll take her, and we’ll run.”
“Ahh fuck Sloane. That’s only going to make things worse for both of you,” he starts, but I stop him before he can keep running down the idea.
“There is no way in hell that I’ll let that fucking bastard raise my kid.” He doesn’t say anything and I wonder if he’s listening again.
“Ten weeks.” He mumbles.
“Is it his?” I ask sounding almost pathetic.
“She isn’t saying anything. Everyone else is just fucking yelling. Ah shit, your name just came up.” I hear the door open and Xavier demands the phone from Gully.
“I see you’ve gone behind my back and continued to fuck my daughter. Since I know that it’s probably yours, I’ll give you until we get back to get your things and get the fuck off my property. If you ever contact her again, I will put a bullet in you. You will have nothing to do with either of them. She’s Tony’s responsibility now.” He hangs up the phone, and I toss mine against the wall and watch it br
eak into pieces.
Getting out of bed, I make my way out the door and to the Audi. I’m going to make sure I have a way to contact her; I won’t just leave her to fend for herself. I don’t give a shit what he says; he won’t keep her and the baby away from me.
Making my way to the closest pharmacy, I walk in and buy a couple of prepaid phones. Walking over to the cashier, I pay cash and toss the receipt in the trash. When I get back to the house, I park in my spot and make my way back into my place so I can set both of the phones up.
Programing the other number in each phone, I grab the one for her and make my way to her room in the main house. When I walk in, the house is completely empty. I can hear my boots against the title floor, and when I get to her room, I see Tony’s shit all over. He’s been trying to make himself at home with her, and I know that’s it’s been driving her away even more.
Finding a good place that I know only she will look, I write a note for her and stash them it in her panty drawer. I know she never wears any for me, but I have a feeling she wears them normally when Tony’s around.
When I get back to my room, I pack all the shit that I’ve accumulated over the last nine months. I still don’t have a whole fucking lot since I’ve been saving a shit load of the money just in case we got caught.
Grabbing all the cash I had stored in the room, I call a cab and wait for them to pull up. Putting my bags into the trunk, I tell him to take me to a close motel. When we pull up, I hand him a couple twenties and tell him to keep the change. After, I grab my bags and make my way to front desk to check in. After settling into my room, I drop the bags on the floor and lay on the bed. Thinking about what’s about to happen. I just hope like hell she finds my note and the phone.
It’s been five days since I left the house, and I’ve been worried non fucking stop about Siena. I haven’t heard anything from her and I’m starting to get fucking antsy. Sitting in this hotel is fucking driving me insane and I just want to see her.
Hearing my phone beep, I jump up and grab it off the bathroom sink. Seeing Princess makes my heart start pounding. It’s either going to be her or Tony, and I’m hoping for the first choice.
Princess: Sloane? Please tell me that it’s you.
Me: Yeah Princess. Are you okay?
She doesn’t write back, but my phone starts to ring a few minutes later. “Sloane.” Just hearing my name fall from her lips makes me breathe a little easier.
“Hey Princess.” I murmur.
“I need to see you. Please.” She sounds desperate, and I’ll do anything for her.
“Can Gully get you away?” Her breathing comes out choppy and I can hear the wind almost like she’s running.
“Gully!” She says.
“Yeah? What’s wrong Siena?” I hear his voice, and I’m glad that they kept him on board.
“Can you do me a favor?” She all but begs him.
“Yeah, what is it?” She doesn’t say anything, but I hear Gully get on the phone. “Hello?” He asks skeptically.
“Gully.” I hear him curse and I can only imagine the expression he’s making.
“Can you bring her to see me? You know I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important. I need to see her.” I hear him sigh and he gives me an address and tells me to be there in an hour before hanging up the phone.
Googling the address, I see that it’s outside of town. Getting in my little beater car that I bought last night, I make my way to the address, and wait for them to show. When I see the SUV that I used to drive pull up, I wait for him to get out before I show my face. I have to make sure that it’s her before I get out.
Gully gets out and opens the door for her, and when I see her red hair in the messy bun, I get out and walk towards her. When she sees me, she runs towards me and jumps into my arms. Her arms and legs wrap around me and I couldn’t fucking want anything more than this right now.
“Sloane.” She whispers in my ear. I squeeze her tightly and kiss her neck.
“Hey Princess.” I walk us over to Gully and he shakes his head.
“You know I can get fired for this right?” I nod and set her down on the hood of the SUV.
“Thank you Gully. You have no clue how much it means to me that you brought her.” He waves me off and I know that he would do it again if I asked.
“Sloane, I don’t want to marry him.” She whispers. The tears start to pool in her eyes and I move the hair out of her eyes.
“I know baby, but I don’t know how to get you out of it.” I cup her cheek and she leans into my touch.
“I thought that once they heard I was pregnant that they would call it all off, but it only pushed the date up. He thinks the baby is his.” Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath.
“You know for sure it isn’t his?” I hate to ask the question, but I have to be sure if I’m going to ask her what I’m about to ask.
“You really think that I would let him come in me?” she gets a disgusted look on her face and she shudders. “I’ve only slept with him once and I told you about that. I would have already had the baby if it was his.” She punches me in the stomach and I hunch over.
After taking a few deep breathes, I stand up and grab the back of her neck and pull her mouth to mine. “I’m never letting you go Siena.” She grins at me and she closes the distance between us. She kisses me like I’m her lifeline and I can’t help but give into her. Her body calls to me just like it always has, and I think I’m falling in love with her.
She grabs my hand and puts it on her stomach. She hasn’t gained any weight and she grins when I look down at our hands. “Sloane, I’m scared that you’ll never get to see us.” She looks over at Gully and he doesn’t say a word.
I need a plan. I’m getting her and our baby away from Xavier and Tony. I don’t give a shit who tries to stop me. I won’t leave her to fend for herself with those bastards. I don’t care how long it takes me, I will make sure they are both cared for, loved, and protected.
After they leave, I start to make a plan. I don’t hear from Siena the rest of the night, but I’m sure it’s because Tony is probably around right now. Lying back on the shitty bed, I think about my girl and the shit that we are going to have to deal with to get her the fuck out of there.
Closing my eyes, I almost fall asleep, but the beeping of my phone wakes me up. Seeing Princess across the screen, I smile.
“Hey baby.” I answer. I hear her breathing change and her voice sounds sad when she says hello.
“Sloane, I’m scared. Everything here has been crazy and I’m afraid that something bad is going to happen.” Checking the clock on the night stand, I see that it’s after midnight.
“Siena, I won’t let anything happen to either of you. You have to believe me.” I hear her suck in a breath and blow it out. She’s trying to calm herself down, but I don’t think that anything will make her feel safe right now.
“I’m supposed to marry him in a week. How the hell am I going to get out of that?” She starts to cry and my heart breaks for her.
“I’m going to do everything in my power to get you away from them before then. I’ll get you out of there.” Her sniffles are killing me, and I want to hold her so badly. I never expected this shit to happen, but I sure as hell don’t want my life any other way. She’s the one thing that I would give my life for, and if that’s what I have to do to protect her and our child, then I will.
“I love you Sloane.” Her voice is no more than a whisper and to be honest, I like hearing that come from her lips. I didn’t grow up with someone who loved me, and to hear it now is kind of bittersweet. I wish things were different. I wish I wouldn’t have had to sneak around with her and I could claim her as mine so that the whole world knew, but I can’t. She will be married in a week and I still don’t know how I’m going to get her out of this fucking shit.
“I love you too Siena.” Closing my eyes, I listen to the little sounds that she makes, and she almost sounds relieved that I love her, too. “You didn’t think
I loved you.” It’s not a question, it’s a statement. I hear her breathing, but she stays quiet for a few seconds.
“I just know how you are. Wasn’t sure, but I know you never sugar coat things so I believe you when you say it.” Smiling, I know she’s right. She knows me better than anyone else, and even if I didn’t want to admit my feelings for her, over the last nine months I’ve fallen for her. I craved the minutes we spent alone, the stolen kisses when we were away from the house, and the prying eyes of her mother and fiancé.
“You better believe it. When can I see you again?” The words slip from my mouth effortlessly and I’m already dying to see her.
“I don’t know. I’m not allowed to go anywhere. My father’s orders.” She sighs into the phone and I know that it’s driving her crazy to be told she can’t go anywhere. She’s like a butterfly, always going places, always trying to find the most beautiful things to see. I’ve spent countless hours following her around the city. We’ve been to some of the most beautiful places here and done some of the craziest things, too.
“Anytime you can sneak away, I’ll be here waiting for you. Just call, Princess and I’ll pick you up anywhere.” I hear a slight giggle and I feel a little bit better.
“You know I’ll call as soon as I can get free. What if it’s too late and I’m married to him?” Before I can answer the question, I hear her whisper that she has to go and that she’ll call when everyone is gone.
The call ends and I’m almost shocked. I need to get to her and fast.
The next afternoon when I finally wake up, I check my phone and see a message from Siena. It came through about ten minutes ago and when I click to open it, I grin.
Princess: Everyone left but Gully. He’s my personal slave keeper. I want to see you.
Pulling on a pair of jeans, I type out a message back to her and hit send. I know Gully is going to be pissed, but I don’t care. I want to see her, and I’m not letting anyone stop me. Brushing my teeth, I run my hands through my longer hair, and pull a baseball cap on.