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Wayward Angel Page 6

  “Hey pop.” I say quietly.

  “Boy, let's talk outside.”

  I nod my head and close the door. My dad isn't a man of many words, so I just keep quiet. When we get outside, he turns to me and asks, “What are you doing with that girl?” For a minute, I'm too stunned to answer. What does he know about me and Anslie? “Well?” he questions impatiently.

  This isn't how I thought my morning would go. I just got the best blow job of my life by the sexiest girl I know, and now my dad's going to ruin it.

  “Nothing, Pops,” I lie. It's the only way to keep my ass from getting beat down by her old man and the brothers. Would it be bad if they all knew how I feel about her?

  “Bullshit, son. I see how you look at her. It's exactly how I look at your Momma.”


  “I don't know what to tell you, old man. You seem to have it all figured out already.”

  “She's still a kid. Leave her the fuck alone. She’ll be going to college in a few months, because she deserves a better life than what you and the club can provide. She's not some club whore you can just play with.”

  I just stare at him. He wants me to give her up? Is he fucking serious? I know she's not some fucking club whore. I would never treat her like one.

  “Would you've given mom up if you were told to?” I sneer back at him.

  He shakes his head. “This isn’t about me and your mother. This is only about you and that little girl. She's family and I won't let you fuck her over just so you can get your dick wet.”

  I can't believe he thinks that's all I'm trying to do. If I just wanted to get my dick wet, I would have done it by now. I know for a fact that he wouldn't have giving my mom up.

  Although I know giving up Anslie is the right thing to do for her, I'm not sure I can. “Pops, I don't think I can give her up,” I grit out.

  “Boy, I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. Whatever is going on between you two is done. If it doesn't end, I’ll bring it up to club. You know the rules - just because you're my sons doesn't mean you get to break them.”

  “Fine,” I growl. Fuck this. If they really want me to stay away from her, I better cut my ties now. I don't think I'll be able to if we continue the way we are.

  As I'm walking away, my pop says, “Prez wants you to go to Oregon to help the club down there. You'll probably be gone a few months.”

  Just my luck. They're sending me away to keep us apart. Fuck this shit.

  Not bothering to reply, I walk back in my room, grab some clothes and shove them in my bags. My old man can go fuck himself. As much as it kills me to leave right row, I crank my bike and take off for Oregon. Saying goodbye to her is going to hurt like a motherfucker. It's probably best to do it while I'm gone.

  Chapter Ten

  Waking up, I realize Brantley's not here anymore and I'm in bed with Casey. There's no sign of him anywhere. I pull my phone out and send him a text.

  Me: where are you?

  While I wait for him to reply, I walk into his bathroom and strip my clothes off. Turning the water on and waiting for it to heat up, I check my phone. Still no reply. Maybe it didn't mean anything to him. I step into the shower and let the water wash over me. Feeling used, I break down and cry. I wash myself with his soap and shampoo my greasy hair. Once my tears stop falling, I turn the water off and slowly start to dry myself.

  God, I'm so stupid. He's a biker, he can get all the pussy he wants. He doesn't want me. Hell, why would he? I'm just a young, naive little girl, who he had to hang around because of my dad.

  I pull on a shirt of his and a pair of sweats, throw my hair in a quick pony tail and go looking for my dad.

  “Anslie, in my office now!” he barks when I find him. I know I'm in trouble for last night, and I have to face the music.

  I walk into my dad's office. It’s small and the only things in it are an old, light brown, wooden desk that looks older than him, a black filing cabinet, a couch and two chairs. I sit on the couch so that I'm the furthest I can be from him.

  “We need to talk about what happened last night, baby girl.”

  “Okay. Didn't they tell you about the party already?”

  “Yeah, they did. Why didn't you call me or your brothers? And who the hell is the bastard that put his hands on you?”

  “I'm fine, Dad. He didn't mean to hit me. Brant told me if I ever needed help to call. I didn't want Dom to go crazy on anyone for no reason, so I didn't call him.”

  What I don't tell my dad is that I just wanted to see Brantley.

  “You're not fine, Anslie. Dammit, you have a cut under your damn eye and a bruise across your cheek. You're lucky that's all that fucking happened to you!” he yells.

  “Brantley saved me!” I scream. “Dom was probably too busy getting sucked off by some club whore to worry about me. He hasn't been around, but Brantley has. When I need someone, they never answer their phones for me. Brantley does. That's why I don't even bother calling them anymore.” I'm so furious, I'm shaking.

  “Shit, why didn't you tell me they weren't answering your calls?”

  “Why, so I could rat my brothers out? Are you serious, Dad?”

  “You wouldn't be ratting them out.”

  “Yes, I would. They would hate me.” I'm not a rat. They are my family - I won't turn on my family. This is the one thing they instilled in me when they came to visit, all those years I was with my mom. I shake my head and look away from my dad.

  My phones beeps and my dad just stares at me as I look at the message.

  Brantley: I had to go on a long run to Oregon. Don't know when I'll be back. Call your brothers if you need anything doll. Stay safe.

  I feel like the wind is being knocked out of me. He left without saying goodbye. He doesn't want me. I should have known better. God, I'm so stupid. I let my emotions lead me into this thing with him.

  My dad has a concerned look on his face as he watches me read the message again and again.

  Finally, I make myself speak. “You sent him away, didn't you? Why, Dad?”

  He looks at me like I should already know the answer. “Yeah, baby girl, I did. He's not good for you. You deserve a life outside the club - to go to college, get married, and have babies.”

  “What if this is the life I want, Dad?” I scream at him.

  He shakes his head. “I want you to have a better life. Please.”

  He looks sad that I would want something other than college, but I'm happy here. I want Brantley, not some jackass preppy boy like the ones I meet at school. They're pussies and would never protect me like Brantley does.

  I can't believe he's making the choices for me. A tear rolls down my cheek. “Fine, Dad, you win. I'll go to college.” I walk past him and open the door to his office. Once I'm through the door, I turn and say, “I'm not mom. I would be happy to have a man like Brantley. She didn't want the biker life, she's just a whore, but I never would regret being a biker's old lady.”

  I slam the door shut and keep walking until I'm out in the parking lot, where I find a prospect and have him drive me home. I won't break down. I won't show them that they are breaking my heart by sending me away to college. My dad thinks he knows what's best for me, but he is so far off.

  When I get home, I pull my laptop out and start applying for colleges. Once I apply everywhere I can, I grab my phone and send Brant a text.

  Me: I miss you.

  I lie back against the headboard of my bed and wait. When my phone beeps, I eagerly read the message.

  Brantley: I miss you too, but I don't want make this harder.

  Me: it's already hard.

  Brantley: I want you to move on and to be happy.

  Reading this message makes me cry. I'm going to get through school, go to college and act like none of it matters anymore - like he doesn’t matter.

  It's easier said than done.

  Chapter Eleven

  2 Years Later

  “Oh my god Anslie, hurry up! We're going to be late!” C
asey yells from the living room of our apartment. My dad is paying our rent so I can go to college and “live a normal life.” Ha! What a load of crap. I hate my classmates, a bunch of pretty rich kids who have nothing in common with an MC princess like me.

  I hate school and the only reason I'm still here is Casey. She's done her best to help me get over Brantley, but nothing works. I still think about him constantly. Even though I haven't talked to him in two years and it's been torture not to write him, I've been holding on strong.

  We moved to Seattle a couple of days after graduation. My dad didn't complain about it because we weren't going Oregon like I originally wanted. He knew I just wanted to be closer to Brantley, so he freaked out and pushed me towards Seattle.

  Tonight Casey and I are going out on the town because she wants to check out this new club a few blocks from our apartment. Black. A friend of hers is a bouncer, so we should get in, no problem.

  I'm wearing a tight, dark blue dress that fits my curvy figure like a glove and black peep toe pumps. My long dark hair is pin straight. Opting for the minimal look, I only put on some mascara and red lipstick.

  I walk out into the living room and Casey has her auburn hair wavy. She's got a loose, flowy, dark grey dress and purple sling backs on, and she looks hot.

  "Wow, whore! You sure clean up nice," she teases.

  "Thanks bitch, so do you." I wink at her.

  We make our way out of the apartment and start the short walk to Black. Walking up, I see a line around the block. We make our way to the bouncers and Casey squeals when she sees her friend. She runs and jumps into his waiting arms, while I walk up behind her and his gaze is instantly on me.

  He's hot. Well, preppy hot. Tall, with light, sandy brown hair that's cropped short, he has wide shoulders and muscular arms. His jeans fit him like a second skin. My god, I can't stop staring at him. He's the total opposite of Brantley. God, I need to stop comparing every guy to him.

  "Case, who is your lovely friend?" he drawls.

  She giggles, "This is my number one bitch. Anslie, this is Charlie, Charlie this is Anslie."

  "Nice to meet you, babe. Come on in. Make sure you save me a dance." He winks at me. Casey grabs my hand and pulls me along.

  When we walk into the club the bass is thumping hard. I can't hear anything Casey is saying, but she motions to the bar. I nod my head and follow her. When we get there, she flags down a bartender and orders us a couple of Jack and Cokes. We get our drinks and find a table.

  The bar takes up the whole right side wall. The decor is mostly black with hints of red and dark grey. There are some tall bar tables scattered around and a few black leather couches against the walls. The dance floor takes up about half the room, and the DJ is off in the corner, opposite the bar.

  "Oh my god, Anslie, there are sooo many hot guys here tonight!" Casey says giddily.

  "I know," I reply, still looking around at all of the sweaty couples on the dance floor.

  "Let's dance!" she cries.

  We down the rest of our drinks and make our way to the dance floor. After six songs, I feel a pair of big, strong hands grip my waist and pull me towards an equally big body. We dance for a few songs. Our bodies move in sync, like we've been dancing with each other forever. I shake my ass a little more than I normally do. In this man's embrace, I feel sexy and confident, something I haven't felt in a long time.

  When I drop it low and bring it back up slowly against his body, I feel his erection. He grabs my hips harder and rubs against my ass. His lips gently touch my neck and I can feel his breath as he moves his mouth down to my collar bone. I'm instantly wet, my core throbbing for this stranger. I haven’t felt like this since Brantley left.

  I'm so enchanted by this guy that I didn't even notice that Casey had gone off to the bar until she comes back and taps me on the shoulder. She and her dance partner move to stand in front of me. I look up and start to panic when I see her expression.

  I turn around for the first time and come face to face with the man my dreams have been filled with since I was sixteen.


  The only man I have ever been in love with.

  I feel like I can't breathe. What is he doing here? I'm pretty sure I haven't moved or even blinked in the last minute.

  I feel like I'm seeing a ghost.

  "Doll," he drawls. His deep voice is like a rich chocolate and I can feel my legs giving out. His arms tighten around my waist and he holds me tighter against him.

  The minute I seen Anslie walk into Black, I knew I had to have her. Consequences be damned. This time I'm not letting her slip through my fingers. She looks so fucking hot in that barely-there dress that she's wearing. She looks even more beautiful than the last time I saw her. All I want to do is rip that dress off her sexy as fuck body and feast on her pussy until she begs me to fuck her.

  Holding her against my body, I feel like I am where I belong.

  "Brant," she whispers, her eyes huge with the shock of seeing me. Hell, I was fucking shocked to see her here. I walk her over to a table so that we can talk and I can roam my hands all over her body.

  "What are you doing here, doll?"

  "I could ask you the same thing. I live here. Last I heard you were still in Oregon."

  "I am. Prez is reorganizing that charter. I'm there until it's done." Fuck, Dom never said she was in Seattle.

  "Oh, why are you here in Seattle then?" she asks, trying to feign indifference. Her breathy words give her away. She is still as affected by me as before.

  "Just visiting my cousin. He just opened this place."

  Her mouth opens and then closes a few times before she replies. "Oh. How long you in town?"

  "I leave in a few days." I see her let out a breath. It's almost like she's relieved I'm only here a short amount of time.

  I reach across the table and grab her wrist, pulling her off her chair and over to me. I need to feel her body against mine again. Opening my legs, I pull her between them, rest my left hand on her hip and use my right to pull her head to mine.

  Her eyes go wide and she looks like she's about to say something when I slam my mouth against hers. She kisses me back with such passion and starts rubbing herself against my cock. God, her body feels so good. Her hands find their way into my hair and she tugs on the strands. I'm so turned on that I can't think straight.

  My hand slides down to her cup her ass and I grind her against my rock hard erection for a few minutes as I kiss down her neck. I slowly inch my hand up her short dress. My fingers gently touch the lace of her panties, where I find that she is wet as fuck.

  I grip the material and tug hard. The lace rips and she moans into my neck. Putting her panties in my pocket, I bring my hand back to her needy core, where I rub my middle finger up and down her pussy lips a few times before I plunge it in her. She gasps and grips my shoulders.

  Her sexy as fuck shoes put her at the perfect height for what I'm doing. Pumping my finger in and out of her, I look around and see that no one is paying any attention to us, except for one of the bouncers. He looks pissed as hell, but I don't give a fuck. All I can think about is taking her home and fucking her until we both forget our names.

  This girl is fucking mine and no one else will ever put their hands on her.

  I add a second finger and I can feel her breath quicken. She's panting and my cock wants nothing more that to plunge inside of her. I hit her G-spot with my finger and her hips start to buck against my hand. I rub her clit with my thumb and she comes hard, her pussy clenching my fingers with a vise-like grip. I continue to pump my fingers in her as she rides out her orgasm.

  When she comes down, she slumps her body into mine and I slowly pull my fingers from her, stick them in my mouth and lick them clean. She sighs and I feel her hand wandering down my stomach. When it gets to my jeans, she tips her head up to me and kisses me roughly. Her hand continues down and unbuttons my jeans, where it grabs a hold of my rock hard cock. She strokes it softly, rubbing her han
d over my piercings and squeezing me. I forgot how good her hand feels around my throbbing cock. I'm about to come.

  A few more hard stokes and I'm coming in my jeans, something I haven't done since I was a teenager. I need to get my girl home and in bed, because I am nowhere near done with her. I'm going to fuck her six ways to Sunday. She pulls her hand out of my jeans and licks her palm clean. Fuck me.

  I pull her to my chest and mumble in her ear, "Let's go. I'm nowhere near done with you tonight."

  She smirks and I pull her along with me. Halfway to the door, she stops me. "I have to tell Case I'm leaving."

  "Text her. Let's go." I grab her hand again and pull her out the door. Once we're out the door, she pulls out her phone and shoots off a text.

  The douche bag at the door is staring at her like he wants a taste of my girl. Fuck that. I know he was watching me get her off.

  He calls out to her and she turns to look at him. He comes up to us and says something in her ear.

  "Charlie, I'm fine," she says adamantly.

  I watch his face change, almost like he thought she would let him take her away from me. He looks me up and down and says, "Didn't know you liked asshole bikers, babe."

  "We got a problem, asshole?" I seethe. There is no way he's going to talk shit about me in front of my face. Anslie looks up at me and puts her hand on my stomach.

  He cocks his head to the side. "Ya know, if I knew she was that easy, I would have just fucked her the minute she arrived with Casey." He smirks.

  I pull Anslie behind me and jam my fist into his left cheek, feeling the bones break as I watch the blood start running down his face. "You say one more thing about her and I’ll put you in the mother fucking ground."

  He looks at me like I'm crazy. Good, maybe he'll think twice about ever coming near her again.

  My cousin comes out the door and takes in the scene before him. "What the fuck is going on out here?"

  "Gunner, your employee doesn't know how to treat a lady. And cousin, as part owner of this club, I suggest you look for someone new to take his place." The dickhead pales slightly when he hears I'm part owner and Gunner's cousin.